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•••BENS POV•••

I don't know if Sarah knew I liked her before. But she obviously does now.

I don't know what came over me.
I knew she had a boyfriend but seeing them kiss right in front of me just made me realize that it will never be me.

I paced out of the house running into brynn.
"Ben, what's wrong?" she asked me.
I paused to hear Sarah calling after me.
"Nothing." I spoke and began to dash anywhere but there. I just didn't want Sarah coming after me.


I jogged outside to find brynn but not Ben.
"Where's Ben?" I asked hastily.
"He went that way." Brynn pointed towards the shoreline.
I jogged off to find him.
I stopped to find Ben on the hammock right by the docks.
I walked over to his side.
His head rested in his hands, with his elbows rested on his bent legs.

"What?" I heard him sniffle.
"Can we talk?"
"What's there to talk about?"

•••BENS POV•••

I tried to hide the tears that managed to slip down my cheeks but I could hear my voice shaking.
I was making a sene and that's the last thing I wanted to do.
"Ben, you know what what I'm talking about." Sarah snapped.
"There's nothing to talk about." I tilted my head to look at her.


I could see the dried tears that had rolled down his face.
"Look..." I sat next to Ben, "I know you like me."
He didn't respond
"But you know I'm dating Niall."
"I get that but I can't help that I like you."
"I know. But i don't want something like this to effect the friendship we have. Ben, I care about you."
"You do?"
"Yes! of course!" did he really think I didn't care about him? "you're my best friend."
"I'm sorry I acted like that."
"It's ok... I understand you have feelings for me, and seeing me with Niall is hard, but it's just something you're going to have to get used to."
"I guess it just makes me feel like I being replaced."
"That'll never happen. I promise. Yes, Niall's my boyfriend and he's back from tour, but that doesn't mean I'll forget about you."
"Ok." Ben gave me a small smile.
"Can we just pretend this didn't happen and go back to having fun?"
Ben and I got up as I embraced him in a warm hug.


When we walked in, I pulled brynn over to the side, followed by devin.

"Why didn't you tell me Ben was coming?!" I shouted in a whisper.

"I thought devin texted you." She said with a confused voice and looked to devin.

"No!" I barked back.

"Yes I did!" devin protested.

I grunted and unlocked my phone. Of course, there it was.
1 iMessage: Devin
Hey Ben is gunna join us at the lake. That ok?

"Oooohhhhh. Now I see it."

"Oh now you see it." Devin mocked me with a sarcastic tone.

"Well maybe you should have called so I would have for sure known." I told him

"But you always read your texts. You literally always have your phone." Brynn added in.

"Well, I was... busy." I choked out.

"Doing what?" devin raised his eyebrow.

Before I could respond my phone began to ring.
"Oops gotta take this." I used the excuse and walked away.

"Hello?" I answered not even looking at the contact name.

"Hey love," I already recognized the British accent. "You with Niall?"

"Hey Liam! yeah we're at my lake house for the night."

"Oh, the boys and I wanted to all hang out. Maybe some other time then."

"Why don't you guys come here."


"Sure. The house is big enough. Lou can bring el if he wants. And Zayn can bring Perrie."

"Ok I'll ask the lads."

"Mmmk. I'll talk to you later. Bye."


I hung up the phone and walked into the living room.


Without Sarah, the room filled with an awkward silence, and I was the reason.
The only one I knew was brynn and I didn't even know her all that well. I didn't know her boyfriend and I didn't know Ben. And there's already tension between Ben and I.
We all just sat in the family room, waiting for Sarah.
Brynn and Devin on the two seat couch. Ben on the longer one and I sitting in the love seat.
Finally Sarah joined us.
She casually sat on my lap. I saw as Ben watched her every move. I planted a kiss on her cheek, just to tell Ben to back off. Sarah thought nothing of it.


"Who was that?" devin asked.

"Liam, he-"

"Liam Payne?!" I cut Sarah off, almost jumping out of my seat.

"Yeah. Now can I finish?" Sarah joked.

"Yeah, sorry."

"I think him and the rest of the boys are gunna join us."

"Wait, so like Liam, Harry, Zayn, and Louis are all gunna be here?" I was getting excited.

"Yeah and I think Lou is gunna bring Eleanor and Zayn might bring Perrie and then Harry will probably bring Bo."

My mouth hung open. I'm actually a huge fan of One Direction! I try not to tell people. And I have a huge crush on Liam. But it's not a legit crush cause I'm dating devin. But if devin knew he would totally be jealous.
"Is Liam bringing anyone?" I ask, trying to act calm.

"Liam doesn't have a girlfriend." Niall answered.

"Oh... ok." I smiled.


We all just sat around waiting for the boys to arrive.
There was a knock at the door.

"I'LL GET IT!" I jumped up from seat and dashed for the door.
I opened it to see four very attractive boys.
"Hi!" I greeted them. "I'm brynn, sarah's friend."
Sarah came over to the door with me.
"Hey love, nice to meet you. I'm Liam. This is Louis, Eleanor, Zayn, Perrie, Harry, and you already know Bo."
Liam just talked to me! he called me love! I'm going to pass out!

"Hey guys!" Sarah spoke from behind me. "Come on in."
They all walked in. I closed the door behind them.
Sarah and I followed them into the living room.
"So everyone ready for the lake?" Sarah asked.
Everyone chorused out into yeses.


We all walked outside to the lake.

The boys all pulled off their shirts. All I saw was brynn staring at Liam's abs.

"Brynn, you know you have a boyfriend?" I joked.

"Who?" she spoke through her gaze.

"Right here!" he snapped.

I just laughed. "Unlike you, I can control myself."

I turned around, my eyes grew wide at the sight of my boyfriend.

"What?" he asked

"Umm... I-I. Uhhh. Ummm ummm uhh." I was at a loss for words. Niall is much more muscular than I remember.

"Like what you see?" Niall wiggled his eyebrows.

I just laughed and walked into his arms he held out to me.
Our arms wrapped around eachother as are lips pressed together.


We all went to the water.
Everyone jumped in. I dipped my foot in.
"It's freezing!" I announced.
"Just get in!" Niall shouted from the water.
I quickly shook my head back and forth. I began to walk back only to run into Ben.
"You're getting in the water." Ben insisted.
"No, I'm not!" I argued and walked past him.
Ben grabbed me from behind by the waist and picked me up. I squealed as he carried me closer to the lake.
"No Ben! Ben! seriously dont!" I called out.
The next thing I knew I was thrown into the ice cold water.

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