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Harry slid on his knees to get to me. He grabbed the deadly weapon away right as I was about to pull the trigger. The gun shot my ceiling. I tried with all I had in me to keep hold of the black object but Harry tried even harder to pull it from my hands. The thing that almost killed me flew across the floor, out of my reach. I sobbed into Harry's shirt.
Soon after I calmed Harry took me outside for some fresh air.

Harry sat me down on a bench and stood over where I couldn't hear him but he kept a sharp eye on me.


I dialed Louis but never lost sight of Niall.

"Hello?" Louis answered.

"Hey mate. Niall just tried to kill himself."

"What?! Because of Sarah?" Louis yelled in the phone.

"Yeah. Lou, I think he needs help."

"Well get him help as soon as possible!"

"You think I should bring him to rehab?"

"Yes. If you think he needs it."

"I do."

"Then bring him right now, before he tries anything again."

"Ok thanks mate."

I hung up and dialed the nearest rehab.

"Doncaster rehab department, how may I help you?"

"Hi I have a friend who needs admission straight away."

"Well we assist those who are mentally unstable. Is your friend a threat to himself or those around him?"

"Yes ma'am." I said, "Very much to himself. You see he just got married about a month ago, his wife announced that she was pregnant yesterday but unfortunately she died in a car crash yesterday afternoon. And now my friend here is suicidal and I walked in on him trying to commit suicide."

"Lucky for you we have room for your friend. You can bring him in right away. I'll just need to know his name, your name and your relation."

"His name is Niall Horan and mine is Harry Styles. Niall and I are good friends, practically family. Also his occupation is a singer and I work with him, we're in the band One Direction together."

"Ok that should be good for now, you can fill out the rest when you arrive. I'll see you soon Mr. Styles."

"Thank you."


Harry hung up the call. He made another quick call and then hung up putting his white iPhone in his pocket. I stood when he came back next to me.
We kept on walking.

"I'm sorry you had to see that." I mumbled.

"Let's take a ride, yeah?" Harry suggested.

We walked to Harry's car and drove. Eventually Harry stopped in front of a strange building made of bricks that where painted a pale dark blue and a big sign in front that I had missed my chance to read.

The inner building was gray with bland white lighting. Many people walked across long halls, assisted by people who seemed to be nurses of some kind.

"Hi. Niall Horan." Harry said to the lady at the front desk.
Harry was handed some papers which he signed and filled out.

"Hey," I tapped Harry, "what's going on?"

Harry just turned and sighed at me.

"Hi." A lady with a smile approached Harry "I'm Jude."
Jude was dressed in all white. White baggy shirt and pants and white sneakers. Her short brown hair was pulled into a pony tail and she had black farm glasses. I'm her hand she held a clipboard with paper with my name on top.

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