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"Let's just say I went to Jared." Niall smiled.
I crossed my arms and popped my hip.
"Don't give me that look." He said.
"Then tell me what's in the box!"
"Close your eyes."
I sighed and obeyed. I felt Niall's warm hands take my left hand and slide something around my finger. I opened to see him placing a shiny silver ring with the word 'okay.' scripted on it.

"Okay?" I smiled up to him, knowing he knew it was from my favorite novel The Fault in Our Stars.
He kissed the top of my head, "I fell in love the way you fall asleep," he started "slowly..."
"And then all at once." I finished his sentence. "Why the ring?"

"I told you I would get you a real promise ring."

"And I told you that you didn't have to." I joked

"It's just my way of saying I promise I'll always love you. Ok?"

"Ok." I smiled.


Niall and I sat in our seats, just 45 minutes from landing back home in Dublin. I looked out the window at the dark blue sky. Suddenly, I felt a hard pain in my chest. I shook off the feeling but couldn't seem to not notice it. It went away, but then came back.


I turned to Sarah, I furrowed my eyebrows when I saw her fist against her chest.
"Hey, you ok?" I asked, placing my hand on her back.
"What?" she said back, delayed from my question.
"Is everything ok?"

"Umm, yeah, I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" she looked like she was in pain.

"Yeah, don't worry about it."

I laid back in my seat but my eyes never left her.
I began to nervously tap my fingers after the plane roughly landed and Sarah began to harshly cough for a short moment.
I wrapped my arm around Sarah on the walk through the airport. She seemed to tightly hold her arm around me. I grew worried but shoved back the thought. Again her hand held against her chest. She slightly leaned against my body, more so than before. I felt her arm tighten around me. Her body began to lean on mine for support and her feet dragged and stumbled as we walked.

"Sarah, are you sure everything is ok?" I looked down at her.
Her shoulder heavily rose an fell, she shook her head, "... no."
I stopped walking and held her shoulders and grew scared when her face drained of color.

"Niall." She weakly fell against my chest, "s-something's wrong."

"What is it baby?" She began to lean over, losing balance. "Sarah."

"I-I.. I think I..." Mid sentence, sarah collapsed into my arms.

"Sarah!" I knelt to the ground, holding her frail body in my arms. "Help! Somebody! Please help! I need a doctor!" I small crowd formed.
A nurse came up to me and tried to calm me.
"CALL 911!" I hollered.

"Sir, calm down." She tried.

"CALL 9-1-FUCKING-1!" I didn't want to let Sarah out of my arms.

"I got her. Call now." The lady said and I obeyed.
I searched in my bag until I found my phone. My hands shook while I hit 911.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"M-my girlfriend just passed out. I-I don't know what happened. Send an ambulance! Please! I'm at the N-national Dublin Airport." I cried.
In minutes a car pulled up with flashing lights and Sarah was placed on a stretcher. A worker tried to hold me back in the small crowd.
"I'm her boyfriend! I need to be with her!" I pushed through and jogged next to Sarah.
Her eyes slightly opened when we were in the back of the car.

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