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Sarah ran out the door. Her last words told me not to follow her.
I decided not to. Not because I didn't want to, I did. But I was afraid that if I followed her she would just try to get farther away from me.

It was getting late, and Sarah still wasn't back. I'm getting worried.
I was about to go out to look for her when I heard the door crack open.
Sarah slipped inside and kept her back pressed to the door.
I stood from my seat. Both of us speechless. As I was about to take a step towards her, Ben came to her side.
"Sarah? can we talk?"
She gave him a small nod and walked off with Ben.
I could feel my anger begin to rage inside of me. She's still my girlfriend.

A few minutes later, I became concerned when I heard Sarah's voice through the walls.
"Ben stop... stop... ben!"
I got up when I heard a light thunk. I was about to turn the nob when the conversation caught my attention.
"Ben, stop. Niall's my boyfriend."
"Sarah, he hit you! do you really still trust him?"
"Of course I do!"
"The difference between me and him... I would never hurt you."
Sarah was silent for a moment
"No Ben."
"God damn it Sarah! Don't you get it?! You're the only girl I could ever care about! You're the only girl I want! Sarah, i love you!"
"But I don't... I'm in love with Niall."
That's my girl.
"You need to realize that this isn't going to happen. I'm sorry Ben... you need to stop."


I admit I was being kinda mean but I had to get my point across.

"You're right." Ben sighed. "I shouldn't have come... Maybe we just shouldn't be friends anymore."
"We can still be friends. You just can't go off and kiss me out of the blue."



"Well you shouldn't have kissed me back!" Ben hollered.

She didn't finish her sentence. I barged in with rage.

"YOU KISSED HIM?!" I shouted.

"No!" Sarah called back

"Yes." Ben chimed in.
"You shut the fuck up!" I pointed at Ben.
I was so close to just punching him in the jaw.

"Niall he's lying!" Sarah argued.
I was too mad to use my Brian right now.
"You know maybe this is why I'm your only long relationship! cause you just go off and kiss other guys!"
"Niall I didn't! I swear!"
I scoffed and rolled my eyes.
"You're being an idiot!" Sarah shouted.
"I've been called worse."
"Like what? a total jack ass?"
"Like your boyfriend!"


My face dropped.
Did he seriously just say that?!
My heart sank.
The tears again began to stream.
"That's the meanest thing you've ever said to me." My voice shook. I grabbed my small bag and dashed for the door.
"Sarah, I didn't mean it!" niall's Irish voice quivered.
"We're done!" I managed to choke "don't ever talk to me again!" I ran away, away, away.

I eventually found a warm hotel to stay at for the night.
I flopped down on the couch and texted the only person I could right now.
A few minutes later there was a knock at my hotel door.
I opened it and embraced brynn in a hug.
"How you doin?" she asked.
I dragged her into the room.
"I-I broke up with Niall." I realized what just happened.
"It just happened! He really hurt me this time." before I could explain my phone began to vibrate. Niall's name flashed on the screen.
I grabbed my phone and threw it across the room. I pressed my face down into the fluffy pillow and dozed away to my dreams.

***2 days later***

It's been two days since the argument. I have no clue where Sarah is.
The only one who knows is brynn and they both have their phones off. I'm worried sick. But if she's trying this hard to keep me away, maybe I should stay away.
I didn't mean what I said. I don't want to end things with Sarah.
For the past days I've been sitting on the couch. Hoping and praying that Sarah would come back.
"Mate." Devin huffed as he rushed into the house. "I found Sarah."

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