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I left Ben's side when the rest of the boys walked in. I encased all of them in warm hugs before returning to Niall.

"I missed you so much." I told him while giving him another tight squeeze.

"I missed you too babe." He kissed my head.


As the night went on, more people showed up until the barn was full.

The music was blasting and several people were downing gallons of beer.


Sarah was jumping around and dancing to the music. I just sat on the side, I was too tired to dance.
A slow song began to play. Sarah pulled at my hand, I wouldn't budge, I was just too exhausted to do anything.

"Fine!" Sarah snapped around and walked away.
I only sat back with a small chuckle.
The next thing I know, Sarah's arms were resting around Ben's neck and his hands help her waist.
This is not ok.

•••BENS POV•••

A slow sang began to play as couples made their way to the center of the room to slow dance.
I leaned against the wall, waiting for the song to end, checking my phone.

"Hey Ben," I heard a soft female voice.
I looked up to see Sarah. "You wanna dance?"

Her question caught me off guard.

"Y-yeah!" I stuttered.

I followed her to the crowd of people.
I placed my hands to the small of her back, above the round of her bum.
Her hands fell behind my neck with her arms rested on my shoulders.
Our bodies sway side to side. I couldn't hold back the smile that played on my lips.

Her eyes sparkled in the dim lights. Her perfect lips curved to a small smile.
That smile though. It's perfection.
And her lips, the ones I've always wanted to feel against mine.
This moment is perfect.
Or at least it was.

There was a tap at my shoulder.
I turn to see Niall standing behind me.

"Can I cut in?" He asked with a stern voice.

I just felt like standing up to him.

••• "wait you're turn buddy boy." I scuff and turn back to my angel.
"But I'm her boyfriend."
"Yeah well when you left her for months I was the one who was with her! so you can wait just like she waited for you!"•••

If only I had the courage to actually say that.

"Sure." Is all I manage to actually speak out.
I step aside as Niall's hands are placed were mine were.
I take a seat and watch as the two dance.
Was that the only reason Sarah asked me to dance? so Niall would just protest and dance with her?
She did seem to enjoy dancing with him much more. You can tell by the way she holds him so much closer.
I just watch, trying to look away but never do.
They share laughs and small kisses.

Why can't that be me.
I wish Niall wasn't her boyfriend.
I wish I was.
I wish she wasn't his girlfriend.
I wish she was mine.
I wish that wasn't Niall dancing with her.
I wish I was.
I wish Niall's lips weren't the ones that got to taste her sweet cotton candy lipgloss she always wears.
I wish they were my lips.
I wish it wasn't Niall.
I wish it was me.


I hold myself close to Niall as we swing side to side.
I look from Niall's eyes to his lips.
His eyes, his lips.
Eyes. Lips.
My tongue slips out and over my own lips.
I longed to crash mine to his. I missed to feeling of his lips pressed to mine. The sweet sent of his cologne filling the small space left between us, I can only smell it when we're that close.
The zing it sends through my body when our lips touch. The sensational feeling only he can give me.
The kisses I've missed for months.

Just kiss me!

"I know what you're doing." he quietly chuckles.

"What?" I asked, a little embarrassed.

He raises his eyebrow to me.
I bring my hand to hold the back of his neck.

"Just kiss me you idiot." I smile, he does the same.

He leans down, inching his lips closer to mine.

Finally they meet. We slowly move our lips as one.
God how I've missed this.

He pulls us apart and licks his lips with a hint of a questioning look.

"It cotton candy." I giggle referring to the taste of my lipgloss.

"I like it." Niall winks.

I just pull him in for another kiss.

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