Chapter Four | Point Of No Return (Edited/Revised)

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I want to pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming

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I want to pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming. But the fact that his chest is pressed up against mine, says I'm definitely not dreaming. I can tell that he keeps himself in shape. Those hardened muscles ripple and contract with his every move.

I feel a sparks shoot up my body, I've never felt anything like this. I don't want to believe it. I can't fathom it. I am a complete and utter fool.

Am I really drooling over a guy? And not just any guy, but a multi- billionaire. Who by all rights could be exactly how the tabloids portray him. A playboy. A womanizer. A user.

Where did my willpower, sanity and plans to never get close to another man go?

You don't just give all that up for a man. Not just a playboy but any man, who distracts you beyond what you want. Beyond your goals. Beyond reason.

And being this close to Grey goes against everything I said I'd never do again. As I breath in his woodsy scent, I know I'm so close to becoming one of those women who are standing not thirty feet from us.

I can't. I won't. I have morals and I have...what do I have? A dark and lonely studio apartment. Barely any friends. Even though I made one today. It doesn't count. I've been here for over a year and I've closed myself off.

I can still have what I want and be friendly with Grey. Right? I have to get my head on straight. But somehow those pastel colored eyes have drawn me in. From the look on his face, he knows he has me.

"I'm not following you! Are you crazy?" I say quietly.

The last thing we need is for his fan base to find out he's closer to them than they think. I don't need to add trampled to my list of occurrences.

He laughs, and I put my hand over his mouth. "Will you keep it down. Do you think those women who are, might I add, mere feet from us, are here for me?"

His answer is to shrug, "Maybe. Occupational hazard."

Then I feel his tongue touch the pad of my hand. I jerk my palm away from him, having the urge to slap him.

"Why did you do that?" I whisper.


"Curious of what?"

"Of what you taste like." He says matter-of-factly.

I know I'm staring hard. At his lips. And my mind goes blank. Except for the fact that he licked me to see what I tasted like. After several beats of silence, my brain starts working again.

"Occupational hazard?" I bite out.

Occupational hazard my ass. It's just two little words but boy are they annoying. Is he saying he doesn't care? What the hell is he doing in the damn alley way?

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