Chapter Eight | Cry Me A River [Revised]

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It's been a week since I've spoken to Theo

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It's been a week since I've spoken to Theo. Maybe the question wasn't as simple to him as it was to me. How many people can one person screw? Jesus. Did I want to know?

Yes. Yes I do.

I can't honestly go ahead with whatever we have between us and lay in bed with him not knowing.

The fact that I am envisioning us in bed together is a revelation. I'd be lying if I said wasn't scared but I'm more afraid of finding out what we have isn't real. I know how I feel. But what is he feeling?

The truth may not be what I want to hear. Is that better than being alone? That is a question that I'm unsure about.

I've never had a problem with being alone. Alone is what I'm best at, other than writing. It's what I've been since I was a kid. But in last week, this man has brought up feelings that I'd long since forgotten.

We left Sophie's restaurant in quiet disillusion. In a nutshell, dinner was disastrous. Theo was quiet. Like he'd turned off his emotions. Whenever I asked him a question it was always replied with a yes or no.

No more, no less. I honestly don't know what to think. He made is perfectly clear that Sophie and he weren't anything closer than friends. But in the back of my mind I believe differently.

He promptly dropped me off at my apartment with only a whispered goodbye. I sat in his car for only a minute or two waiting to see if he'd say another word.

It's no surprise that he didn't ask me for another date. I'm a little hurt. I was open and honest with him then he shut down. Barring anything that could get to him.

Why? I have to know why.

I'll wait and see if he contacts me. It's not like I have his phone number. Though I'm sure I could be resourceful and find it on my own. There was Phoebe. She was nice and funny despite being rich. But she was also his sister. And she didn't know that Theo and I had met.

I could always tell her that I've met him and go from there.

What would she think? I haven't told her that I've met him. Add in the fact that we all barely know one another. I don't want anyone thinking I'm a gold digger. But you won't find me riding on some mans coat tails to make a fortune. I'm gonna to do it on my own.

The last thing I want is to end up like my mother; a woman who depends on men for her happiness and livelihood. I would never be a millionaire but I am determined not to be poor either.

It's Sunday, so I've spent my day lounging around. If Amelia were around she'd say I was moping. Maybe I was. I genuinely like Theo. He's the exact opposite of what I thought he'd be.

Maybe that one date would be all I get. Would I be alright about that? That's a question that has no answer right now. But my silent phone is a sign.

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