Chapter Fifteen | Earth Shattering

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The sunlight is streaming through the curtains

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The sunlight is streaming through the curtains. It's the first time I wake to feel whole in the longest time. I know Theo is behind me, one hand resting on my stomach, the other underneath my pillow. I'm also aware to the fact that we're still both naked.

My back against his chest. I feel his morning erection on my cheek. Last night felt unreal almost immediately afterward, but Theo kissed me for the longest time. The man knew how to make a woman feel good in more ways than one.

I've already decided not to tell him that I wanted nothing to do with him, when I need the exact opposite. He grew on me, like a second skin. But I also have a fear, that he will never feel the same way I do.

Am I prepared for that? I guess I'll have to be, because I know Theodore Grey is worth the risk. Mr. Grey had already made his feelings toward me known, even without so many words, he thought I was a liar who wanted money or a story off his son.

That's not it at all. I just want him. I never planned to feel anything for this man. I went out of my way to stay away from him. But he was like an annoying fly, that wouldn't die after you swatted him.

I bury myself in his warm cocooned embrace. The heat of his skin against mine lulls me back to a peaceful sleep. The next time I wake, I'm alone in his bed. I've slept for longer than I anticipated.

I can hear the soft murmuring of voices down the hall. Grabbing a robe hanging on the back of the door I head down toward the living room but I'm at a standstill when I hear what's being said. I stop several feet from the entrance.

"You fucked her?" A female voice accuses him. Is that Sophie? But the voice I hear next racks me to my core.

"You have to end it son. There's something about her. I just don't trust." It's Christian Grey's voice.

I can't believe that Sophie and his father are both here and they know we've slept together. It's my worst nightmare come true.

"I can't just end it. And dad, you don't know her like I do. She's not the type."

My heart swells. I had hoped he'd feel it. And maybe he did but now there's two forces against us. On one hand I can see both their point of views. But Sophie had her chance with Theo and she blew it.

Mr. Grey may have his reasons for not trusting me but he's wrong about me, and I'll do whatever I can do prove him wrong. Then I'll throw that up in his face.

"Doesn't matter what you think. It's what I can prove. I'll call you later." I hear a door open and close behind Mr. Grey.

"What were you thinking Ted? I thought after what happened between us last night would've meant something."

What happened last night? I thought back to just before everything changed. Sophie's face was red a tomato. And Theo didn't even say goodbye to her, or even acknowledge her leaving. To top it off, he came at me like man on a mission.

Is she the real reason we had sex last night?

My God, I'm such an idiot. Why didn't I think this would ever happen? It's my luck that something goes wrong with every relationship I have.

I back-step, not wanting to hear what else he has to say. I know what I have to do. Back in his bedroom, I quickly put my clothes on and step back out into the hallway.

I don't hear their voices anymore. Maybe they're kissing or doing something else that would finish breaking my heart. I walk down to the living room gingerly and find Theo with his back to me. Sophie is no where to be seen.

As if he senses me, he turns around. "Good morning beautiful."

The fact that he even has the gall to act like nothing is wrong makes me angry. He's worse than Keanu, which is pretty damn bad. That's a another fact that we shouldn't be together anyway.

"Right." I said nonchalantly.

A look of confusion passed on his face. Did he think he could actually get away with this? Without telling me what happened between them. Bastard!

"What's wrong?" He asks, coming to stand in front of me.

Laughing I sidestep him and head toward the door but my anger had me stopping and I whirl around to face him.

"That you can even stand over there and give me some bullshit act, makes me wonder who you really are."

Padding over to me, he tries to grabs my hands and pull me to him, but I shake him off, and move away.

"Stop. Don't touch me!"

"Cora, what's gotten into you? Is this about last night?"

I really laugh this time, almost manically. He's a good actor, a damn good one. He might even beat Keanu on all accounts.

"Last night? What would be so wrong with last night?"

"You tell me, you're the one acting strange."

"Me strange? No, I've just found out that the man I had sex with last night also did something sexual with his best friend on the same night."

His face turns pale and he starts shaking. "It's not what you think."

I dismissively wave at him, "Doesn't matter what I think. I see it all so clearly now. You two should be together."

I turn away, I can't stand to stomach looking at him anymore. And I walk away from the man, who made me fall into another trap. Who made me believe that love was really possible.

It doesn't get anymore earth shattering than knowing that for the first time in my life, my mother was right. I watched my own mother do this, time and time again. And I still fell hook, line and sinker for it.

Guess what my mother said was true: Love is wisdom of the fool and the folly of the wise. It doesn't take a genius to know which part I fall into.

Well that escalated quickly...
what did my readers think? Too much or not enough?

XO, Liz

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