Chapter Thirteen | The Takeaway

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Hey guys this is a short short chapter. I have so much on my plate in my personal life its to the the point of being more than stressed out. I'll have another longer chapter up soon, I hope. But thank you for reading!!


Having someone pissed at you is not a good feeling

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Having someone pissed at you is not a good feeling. Having a Grey pissed at is altogether another thing. Having three Grey's mad at you is war. It's been two days since I was at their house.

House. If that's what you want to call it. Mansion, maybe. But no house. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't envious of them. What it must of been like to grow up without having to want for anything.

It's a dream for most of America. For me it's a fantasy. Not that I want a man to take care of me. No. I could do that on my own. But it would be nice to have a relaxed life.

I'm playing the cards that were dealt to me. All in all I can't say my entire life has been shîtty. I'm alive and I have a good head on my shoulders.

But Theo can't be apart of that.

I know now more than ever, that he is the ultimate fantasy. One, that can only exist in dreamland. He's for the elite. A woman of the same upbringing.

Not someone who has a mother who'd rather be under someone than helping her child with school or any other activity such as growing up and being taken care of like a loving parent would do.

It's a heavy gravity, admitting that I'm not good for him. It's only a matter of time before he realizes it too. It's in my best interest to nip it in the bud.

Maybe in some cosmic way Phoebe and I can still be friends. If anything she's the best thing to come out of this. She befriended me before she knew I was involved with her brother.

I'm terrible. I feel terrible. But as my grandmother would say. It's time for me to put my big girl panties on and get the show on the road. The show being me telling Theodore that we can in no way be involved with him.

I know it will kill me. I've never felt the pull he has. It's a joke. And it's all on me, it's like karma's saying bîtch please, you'll never be allowed anyone like him.

I don't want to. I want him, in every way conceivable. On another hand, I feel like it's my duty to make sure the woman he chooses is exactly like that. He doesn't need gold diggers, or business sharks. He deserves love and compassion in the truest form.

It's times like these, that I can't help but wonder why I was saddled with this life. Maybe if I were born to different people, I might have had a slim chance with him. With love.

Love. That's a sentiment that I can't afford. Though, truth be told it's something that I want, maybe even more so than Theodore.

I've texted him and told him I needed to see him. He wanted me to meet him at his apartment, it's as good as any place for me to dump the news on him.

It's hard to think about when that kiss is still on my lips and in my head. He should get an award for how well he used his tongue, and could blow someone's head off.

But I can't let that cloud my judgement.  There's only one way this can end. It's best for both of us, if I end it. Whatever it was.

But the question remains of how I will I do it?

And will I actually be able to let him go?

And what will I takeaway with this situation?

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