Chapter 2 - The Gate To Hell Is Wide Open

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"I can't believe you did that

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"I can't believe you did that."

Claire said as she sat on the edge of my bed. I sent Clayton Wade to detention. I sent Clayton Wade to detention. After what happened, Claire decided to stay at my house for a while to 'discuss' what I should do to avoid him and what's coming for me in the future. She came to the conclusion there are two things that can happened,

1) Clayton will continue bothering me for the rest of my life

2) Clayton will kill me.

"That's not comforting at all, you know." I stated and crossed my arms on my chest in a casual manner.

"I know," Claire sighed. "But do you know what you've got yourself into? You just made yourself his target for the rest of the year."

"I know, but he kept on poking me. I couldn't help it." I defended.

She stood up and paced around in my room with a hand on her chin. She was thinking. If there's one thing I never see from Claire is her thinking. It's scary to think that I got her thinking by sending Clayton Wade into detention. "You know, he's probably still in detention you should go and apologize to him."

I furrowed my eyebrows at her. "Are you crazy?" No way in hell I would apologize for giving him something he deserved.

"No? Then, how about you skip school tomorrow? He probably will forget about it by then--" Claire trailed off until I cut her off. I grabbed her arm to stop her from pacing around my room like a mad man and waited for her to calm down. "Relax, okay? He's not going to kill me."

"But he will bother you for the rest of the year! How can you be so calm and relaxed while I'm the one freaking out and I'm not even his next target!" Claire exclaimed and sat on my bed in Indian style.

"Wait, we don't know if I'm his next target," I reasoned. "We all know his target is and always that kid, what was his name again..."


I snapped my fingers. "Yeah, him."

"Well, I think he already changed his mind by the way he was sending lasers to the back of your head." Claire stated.

I heaved a sigh. "Let's hope he didn't."


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