Chapter 16 - Can We Please Not Talk About It?

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I ignored him as I opened my locker, collecting the books I needed for the next period.

"Serena, talk to me," Dean pleaded. "Please?"

Why can't he just get the message that I clearly don't want to talk to him? What does he want to talk about anyways? Maybe if I run now, he won't be able to catch up or run after me. I'm a pretty fast runner. But he's a jock. It's just wishful thinking, I know. I tell you what I wish now – that he'd leave me alone. I let out an irritated sigh, grabbing my maths book and slamming the locker door closed. I don't want to face him but I'd try anything to make him stay away from me. As far as possible. "What do you want, Dean?" I asked, turning around and shot him a blank expression.

Ugh. How I wish I could say that he's not handsome...and tall...and well-built...and—

"Nothing much," He shrugged casually, but I can see the bliss on his face because I actually turned around and answered him. "I just wanted to see how you've been know..." He gazed into my eyes intensely. "I missed you."

If this was last year, I would've turned into jell-o just by looking at him much less hearing him saying these cheesy lines to me. But the Serena Castello he's currently talking to is nothing but a stonecold she-devil.

I gritted my teeth and shove my maths book into my backpack, turning to walk down the corridor towards math class. Unfortunately, Dean followed.

"I've been just great, no thanks to you," I said bitterly. "And I'd say I missed you too but," I turned to him. "I'd be lying."

I thought by those spiteful words he'd have given up by now, but I hate that I know him so well that I knew he's not going to give up until he gets what he wanted, from me. He winced at my harsh tone and for a second I could see guilt glimmer in his eyes. "Well, I expected that coming from you. I deserved that one," He admitted, "But I'll make it up to you Serena. Why do you think I come back here? I come back for you," He put his hands into his pockets and looked down before saying, "And you know...for him. Tomorrow is the one year anniversary of his death."

Instantly, I froze. How could I forget about that? I bit the inside of my cheeks trying to prevent myself from crying because my eyes are starting to get watery from thinking about him. I was utterly heartbroken. I hated myself to think that I was a useless best friend that didn't even know he was suffering. "Well, at least you remembered." I shot him a final glare, before stepping into the classroom. However the second I stepped in, I was greeted by the whole class looking at me – well, not exactly me, but Dean who was probably behind me.

Wait, he's in this class?

I turned around and he shrugged as if he knew what I was thinking. Reluctantly, I walked towards the empty seats at the back of the class and unfortunately felt a presence behind me. I already knew who it was so I didn't have to turn around to find out who it was. I sat on the window seat and no sooner later Mr. Thoughtless sat on the seat beside me. I observed my surroundings but regretted it as soon as I did because everyone was whispering and pointing at me – and Dean. However, being the thoughtless kid he is, he turned to me and shot me his charming (not) smile.

I swear I could hear the girls silently screaming.

Okay, that's exaggerating.

But, they really did though.


"Are you some kind of a hot guys magnet or something?" 

This girl whose name I didn't know has been following me since math class earlier and it's now lunch time. I'm currently sitting at my usual table with Claire and Brody. "How come all the hot guys are following you around? First, Clayton, Brody, Ethan, and Daniel," Her tone got more serious, which I found very amusing. She's talking about these boys as if they're Calvin Klein models that deserved to be worshipped or something. "And now Dean Parker. What's your mojo, girl?"

I tapped my chin, pretending to think. "Go ask my mom," I bit my lips, trying not to laugh. "She has been seeing this woman named Fiona Goode. My mom said she's some kind of a witch and a very powerful one so my mom asked this witch to make me look like a playboy model in the eyes of every hot guys," I said in a serious tone, in which to my surprise, she seemed to believe what I was saying because she nodded at every of my words. "And I've been close to them ever since."

I eyed Claire who I'm sure was laughing so hard inside her head and Brody just looked at me weirdly. I shrugged casually at him before turning to face this poor innocent girl.

"Are you serious?" She asked. I swear I could hear the excitement in her tone.

"Dead serious." I nodded while giggling inside.

"Where can I find this witch?" She asked.

"In New Orleans," I answered. "At Miss Robichaux's Academy."

"Holy shit," She stated. "It's a school?"

I shrugged. "Apparently. My mom told me about it."

After having a pointless yet funny conversation with this girl for about three minutes, she finally left. I believe I've committed the fraud of the year. I just told a wishful girl that there's a witch named Fiona Goode in Miss Robichaux's Academy. You might recognize that if you watched American Horror Story. If you don't....

Sorry, we can't be friends. 

"You little liar, now she's really going to think there's such a thing! I'm turning you in if I someday see a news about a delusional girl looking for Miss Robichaux's Academy." Claire said whilst laughing.

I was laughing my ass off when I felt a hand on my shoulder, causing me to stop laughing and turned around. It was Dean Parker. I rolled my eyes and turned around to start eating my lunch. "What now?" I grunted as I took a bite of my peanut butter sandwich.

"Who is this?" Brody asked and locked his eyes with mine.

"Dean Parker," Dean answered before I answer. "Nice to finally meet you, Brody Dane."

"You know me?" Brody asked and pointed at himself.

Dean nodded. "Well, you are Claire's twin brother, how could I not know you? She talked bad stuffs about you."

"What?" Brody turned to Claire with a scowl. "You bitched about me to this guy?" Claire looked away and nodded, earning a scoff from Brody. "I expected good things from you, twin sister." He turned to face Dean. "Who are you anyways? How did you know my sister and Serena?"

He cleared his throat. "Well, I used to go to this school but you already left according to the girls. It's such a shame though, we could be best friends. Anyways, long story short, we became friends and hang out a lot except when I have football practice. Things get messed up when.." Dean bit his lips and shot a concerned look towards me and Claire. We both nodded, signalling him it's okay to tell him.

"When?" Brody asked curiously while eyeing me and Claire.

Dean heaved a sigh. "When our other friend passed away." Dean muttered.

Brody shot us a shocked look. "Who is this other friend?" Brody asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Let's not talk about it, shall we?" I interrupted.

"Why?" Brody asked.

"Just let it go, please?" I pleaded as my voice cracked at the last word. "I don't want to talk about it so will you please...please just let it go. Please?" I looked away as I brushed a single tear coming out of my eyes.

I don't know when I'll ever be able to talk about it. I don't think I'll ever be able to talk about it.

I just...can't.


So I didn't exactly reveal who Dean Parker is in this chapter but you get the idea. Also, you can expect a whole lot of drama in the future because I've got tons of crazy ideas. Just you wait and see. 

Alas chapter 16 is updated! Hope you love this one, loves. Anyways, 4K that's a lot. I didn't expect so many of you guys would read my book. Thanks! 

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Love y'all xo 

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