Chapter 9 - Ditching School With Brody Dane

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The person who roughly me took me by the wrist and pulled me out of the school was the one and only - Mr. Brody Dane. Why? I couldn't think of any reasonable cause he's acting this way. Brody isn't the type of person to get jealous of someone because he's got that much of an ego and after being his 'frenemy' for over my whole life, I know that he's not the best at expressing his feelings.

"What are you doing?" I asked while trying to pull my hand away from his tight grip which was useless since he was ten times stronger than me.

He didn't answer instead he just kept walking towards the enterance. As we were outside I finally figured out what he was going to do. He was going to ditch school with me. Why? It's not that I'd mind skipping school. I would love to skip school. It's just the way Brody's acting is scaring me. He refused to talk and he just kept going forward.

I widened my eyes as we approached a big motorcycle. "Is this yours?" I asked and pointed at the ride to hell in front of me.

"Yeah," He said and threw a helmet at me. "Put that on."

I obidiently put on the helmet. It was bigger than my head so it covered my eyes a little bit. It was obiviously Brody's. "Wait, can I ask you something?"

He sighed and turned to face me. His face was emotionless. "What?"

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I asked, rather calmly. "You can't just drag me out here without an explaination."

He sighed again. "I'll explain later, okay? Can we please just get out of here?"

"No, explain now or I'm not moving and you can't make me either." I said and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Not even if I'll buy you foods? You can buy anything you want." Brody stated and crossed his arms over his chest, imitating me.

Shit. Screw you, Brody Dane.

"You little shit, you shouldn't have mentioned foods in this little arguement."

And folks, that's how I lost to the seduction of foods.

Thirty minutes later, we pulled up to this little diner outside of town called Monroe's

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Thirty minutes later, we pulled up to this little diner outside of town called Monroe's. I wonder how Brody knew a place like this, I didn't even knew there's a diner outside of town. However we're talking about Brody Dane here. The Brody Dane that was almost killed in numerous of accidents. Literally.

"How do you know this place?" I asked as he helped me off the bike.

"I used to come here with mum and Claire." He smiled and we both started walking towards the diner.

He held the door open for me, letting me to go ahead of him. I can't help but to smile at his sweet gesture. This side of Brody still surprised me until today even if I have witnessed and felt it myself. According to Claire, the only women in his life are - herself, her mum, and me. Eventhough Brody is famous and super hot, he never had a girlfriend. I wonder why.

A middle-aged waitress smiled and greeted us warmly as we enter. She was surprised as she laid her eyes on me. "Hey Brody. Nice to see you again."

"Hello Nancy." Brody greeted her back and smiled.

"As usual?" Nancy asked and Brody nodded. She then led us to the window seat with the view of the streets before taking our orders. After going back and forth between tuna sandwich and cheeseburger, I finally decided on cheeseburger with fries and a diet coke. While Brody ordered grilled cheese and a coke. After writing down our orders, she left us to take the orders to the cook.

"So about what happened earlier," Brody started and scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "I'm sorry. I was just---"

"What?" I asked impatiently.

He sighed. "I don't like seeing you with Clayton."

"What?" I asked confusedly. "Why?"

"Just stay away from him." He stated. His face expression was emtionless and dark.

I laughed dryly. "Why should I?"

He groaned. "He's not like how you think he is. He might've treated you differently from other girls, but trust me, he's only going to break your heart in the end. Just don't get involved with him, okay? Do you trust me?"

I looked at him.

Do I trust him? Of course, I trust him. I have known him long enough to say that I would trust him anytime. Eventhough he's my frenemy and sometimes he can be a pain in the bottom, he's the type of person I can trust a hundred percent with my nutella. And yes, nutella is my precious.

"Of course I do. How long we've known each other?" I said and smiled. "I just don't understand why I should stay away from Clayton."

"Just...remember he's the real definition of a devil with the face of an angel." Brody said.

"And you're not?" I asked and raised an eyebrow.

He groaned but I can see a smile forming on his lips. "Can you be serious for once in a while?"

"Okay, okay. I'm joking. Geez." I said and laughed.

After finishing and paying for our meals we left the diner. I have to say the foods were really good. I have found a new side of Brody today that I haven't been able to caught on until now - his protective side. He might seem cold and heartless at times but actually he cares so much that he's willing to do anything. I have to admit that, I'm lucky to have someone like Brody. The only problem was...I don't think I can stay away from Clayton

"Where should we go now?" Brody asked as he threw the helmet at me.

"Bookstore?" I suggested. I knew he's going to hate it but at least I tried.

"Sure." He unexpectedly said.

"Wait, what?" I asked confusedly. "You actually want to go to a bookstore? Oh my god, who are you and what have you done to Brody Dane?" I asked and put my hands over his cheeks.

He chuckled and shove my hands away from his face. "I wasn't done," Sure, you weren't. "I'll go to the bookstore in one condition..."

"What is that?" I asked and frowned.

"Tomorrow there's a party at Ethan's place, you're going with me." Brody said.

Crap. I knew something doesn't feel right. I haven't gone to a single party in my entire life and guess what? I'm not planning to. I have more important things to do rather than wasting my time - and my body - in a party filled with wasted teenagers. "No, thank you."

"Aw c'mon! Just this once? I want you to experience at least one party in your life. I promise I'll be right by your side every second. Okay?" Brody pratically begged me.

I groaned. "Okay! But you'll be dead if you leave me for some wasted chick. Remember that."

"Yes, sir!"

Oh Dear Lord, what I have got myself into?

Do you like Clayton and Serena? or Brody and Serena? :)

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Do you like Clayton and Serena? or Brody and Serena? :)

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