Chapter 11 - Truth Or Dare

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"Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

I froze in my place. Not knowing what to do or what to say either. I was completely taken aback. Heck-of course I would. Therefore, being the senseless kid I am, I burst out laughing. Why? I don't know. Something just felt odd. I'm talking to the boy who can be considered as the bad boy of the century, so who I am to trust? For all I know, he could be playing a trick on me.

"Why are you laughing?" Clayton asked.

I stopped laughing at the sound of seriousness in his voice. "W-what? A-are you serious?"

He raised an eyebrow. "What do you think?"

My mouth fell onto a flatline, realizing that he had been serious all this time. "Holy shit," Really Serena? That's the best thing you can come up with? A Greek-god is asking you out and all you can say was 'Holy shit'?

This time, Clayton burst out laughing. I looked at him, dumbfounded. He doesn't stop laughing when he saw my expression, instead he laughed even harder. "I'm sorry. I was just joking," He said in-between his laughs.


"Excuse me?" I said, irritated. How could he joke about something like that? You should never joke about your feelings to a girl. I stood up and walk away from him without looking back.

I was beyond pissed off. I was angry and also offended.

I know I laughed at him first but hey - how would you expect me to react when a guy like Clayton asked a girl like me to be his girlfriend? I laughed because it was obiviously ridiculous. For it to happend, him and I must be the last people alive on Earth. I don't believe people like me and him are meant to be together.

I stormed back into the house looking for Brody. I need to get out of here. I don't want to see him. While looking for Brody, someone bumped into me and I almost fall over, "Shit, I'm sorry." A deep voice said.

I turned around and sucked in a breath. "It's okay," I said and shrugged. This beautiful guy that I didn't know put his hands over my shoulders to steady me. "Hey, you're Serena, right? Brody's looking for you. I'm Dylan, by the way."

I heaved a sigh and smiled at him, "Looks like everybody knows who I am now." I muttered. He chuckled, "Hangs out with Clayton Wade and that's what happens." Dylan said.

I let out a fake laugh. "So, do you know where Brody is? I've been looking for him." I asked.

"Hm, a bunch of us are playing truth dare, he's probably there so wanna join?" He asked and I nodded. Dylan took my arm and pulled me to the corner of Ethan's mansion - where a few other people were sitting. Brody was there - he instructed me to sat next to him as he saw me - and the last person I wanted to see, Clayton was there. Our eyes met for a while before I looked away. There were a few other people there that I didn't know either.

I sat down next to Brody and he grinned at me, wrapping his arm securely around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him. "Well, let me introduce everyone." Dylan said and pointed to a blondie, "That's Emma," He then pointed to the guy next to her, "That's Troy," He pointed to a black haired girl, "That's Madison," then he pointed to Ethan and Daniel, "That's dumb," he pointed at Ethan, "And dumber," He pointed at Daniel and everyone laughed, including me. Lastly, he pointed to Brody and Clayton, "I assume you already know them so...let's play!"

I've never played truth or dare with this many people before so I'm sure as hell that it won't end without someone getting injured. Dares normally end up with someone being forced to do something extremely sexual or extremely embarassing, to the point you want to be buried alive. Let's just hope no one ended up naked by the end of this game.

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