Chapter 3 - Tell Me Something I Don't Know

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Brody Dane is played by Daniel Sharman.

After the little 'janitor's closet' incident with Clayton, I went straight home after texting Claire that something urgent came up so I had to went home early

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After the little 'janitor's closet' incident with Clayton, I went straight home after texting Claire that something urgent came up so I had to went home early. I had to skip the last period because who knew what could happened? I don't want him to get any closer to me.

As soon as I lay down on my queen-sized bed, I got a text from Claire.

From Claire: Hey, is everything okay? What's the urgent?

I sighed as I read the text. What should I tell her? I didn't have time to think about that, all I think about was I need to get out of here ASAP. However if I lied to her, I will be damned for the rest of my life for being the worst best friend ever so I need to tell her the truth.

To Claire: No, everything's not okay. Clayton Wade just declared a war.

A few seconds after, she replied.

From Claire: WHAT?! HOW?! WHEN?!

Before I can type a reply, she had already sent another message.

From Claire: Wait, don't reply. I'll come to your house. We need to talk face-to-face.

After reading it, I tossed my phone across the bed and laid myself down. I grabbed my pink throw pillow and screamed through it. At this very moment, I wish I can time travel so I can change a few things, that includes punishing Clayton Wade. Or maybe I could be invisible so I can go unnoticed by the whole world, including Clayton Wade. Or maybe I could be like Aurora and sleep for the rest of my life because I have no Prince Phillip to kiss me. Yeah, that would be nice.

Fifteen minutes later, Claire arrived in my house with Mr. Trouble. Guess who? Ding ding ding! You've got that right! It's no other than Brody Dane. Wherever Claire goes, that's where Brody is. They're twins, what do I expect? They have been glued to each other since they were in their mom's womb. I need to accept that fact sooner or later.

"So, what happened?" Claire asked as she sat on the edge of my bed while Brody was playing Point Blank on my computer. I don't even know why I had that game.

"Well, basically he told me that he will bother me everyday." I stated and sighed.

"How did he tell you? When did he tell you?"

"He pulled me into the janitor's closet---"

"WHAT?!" Claire's voice was mixed with a masculine's voice, it was Brody's. Then they looked at each other before shouting, "Jinx!"

I looked at them in disbelief and scoffed. "Seriously?"

"So what happened in the janitor's closet?" Brody asked in a teasing tone and wiggled his eyebrows. "I heard hundreds of couple did their dirty works in there."

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