Chapter 10 - Oh Dear Lord

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"How about this one?" Claire asked me for the millionth time, holding up a soft pink dress by its hanger. The dress is quite simple but cute at the same time, but I didn't like the colour of it, it's too bright and I don't want to be the centre of attention. The scene of my bedroom was a warzone. With it being Saturday, Claire insisted to come over to help me pick an outfit for the party. To be quite honest, I don't really see the point of getting dressed for a party. I mean, it's just a party. Most of the people in there probably wouldn't remember what I wear, heck—even I don't think they would remember I was there. However, Claire definitely had her own opinion – as always. According to Claire, a dress and high heels is a must.

I mean, what's wrong with cute tops and jeans?

"Uhm, no." I sighed, flipping over the page in my book. Seriously, I'd rather waste my time reading in my room, especially it's Sunday night.

A frown crept on her face as she put the dress back into my closet and started searching for another dress. "This one?" Claire asked again, this time holding a strapless black dress. That's cute, I thought. I wore it once for a family dinner with my whole family a little while back. I could probably wear that dress, but being the stubborn kid I am, of course I shook my head.

Claire rolled her eyes as she threw the dress inside my closet. "Well that's the last cute dress you have you have any cute tops?" Yes. Claire headed over to my bureau, scanning through whatever was in it. Let's hope I have something cute to wear, at least to Claire's eyes they're cute. "This one is cute. I didn't know you had this," Gee, I didn't even knew I had it. It's a black off-the-shoulder long sleeve crop top. I'd wear that honestly. "Okay," I shrugged and Claire started grinning like a maniac. "Finally!" She said excitedly, instantly she searched through my dresser and pulled out a black high-waisted skater skirt. Well, at least it's not a bright coloured dress.

"Put these on," She threw the clothes at me hurriedly as she went over to her bag, pulling out tons of makeup and a curling iron. She knew I don't have those things so she brought her own. Groaning, I stand up and began to change. The top was slightly uncomfortable however I liked how the skirt looked on me, it made my legs look longer and it's cute. I don't really get why I don't wear this more often. "Ohemgee, who knew you're actually hot?" Claire said bluntly and raised her eyebrows proudly. "Now all we need is some make up and killer heels."

"I can only manage two inches or probably three – more that that? I'm a dead meat and for the make up, please don't make me look like a freaking Barbie doll, okay?" I said sincerely.

"Don't worry. Trust me on this. You'll make every boys weak on the knees before you know it," Claire stated and started doing her 'magic' on my face. "I bet Clayton and my brother won't get enough of you."

I scoffed. "Honey, they've a long line of hot girls waiting for them – why would they even bother to look at me?" I let out a forced laugh. Why? I don't know. Something inside me felt wrong when I realized that he have a lot of girls waiting for him plus they're way hotter than I am.

The problem is...who is 'Him'?

After Claire finished doing my face, she started curling my hair as I put on a black 3-inch heels. Fifteen minutes later, I was ready for the party.

I waited for Brody's arrival nervously. My palms are starting to get clammy and there was no more nails to bite. The truth is I'm not quite sure why I am this nervous. It's just a party, right? Yeah, your first ever party. I mean, people go to them all the time and I bet they don't have to go through this level of nervousness and anxiety that I'm going through. The thing is; I'm nervous because I have this feeling that something is going to go wrong and I don't know anybody there. Probably just Brody – or maybe Clayton.

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