Chapter 15 - I Would

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The whole car ride with Clayton and Brody was a disaster. Even though I threatened them that I would rip their bodies to pieces and feed them to my family, they still wouldn't shut up, instead they laughed their sorry ass off and mocked me. I knew it all along that having them in the same place was a bad idea. They had a little arguement about who's the better quarterback, who's more handsome, who's got more admirers. Both of them, of course, said they're better than each other.

Little did they know, they're the complete copy of each other. They're both handsome. They both have huge amount of admirers. They're both athletic. They're both narcissistic mischievous arrogant perverts. They're a walking skyscraper. And the list goes on.

After two hours of car ride with those two monkey butts, we finally arrived at the Dane's residence. Claire texted me earlier that she and Ethan might have planned the most amazing welcome party ever, all this thanks to Ethan. He's not called 'the life of the party' for nothing. Oh and did I tell you? This 'welcome party' is not about balloons and sprinkles.

Brody was welcomed with a bucket of flour and eggs once he opened the front door. Once he stepped inside, he was soon greeted with slippery floors which led him into a saran wrap attached to the hallway that made him fall on the ground on his butt. And for the finale, Ethan dressed up as clown because Claire told him that Brody is afraid of clown. He jumped out from the dining table as Brody entered the kitchen. And to say that he was scared is an understatement. He almost shit himself.

Yes, folks. Brody Dane is afraid of clowns. It started after Claire and I forced him to watch the movie It.

"Serves you right, donkey butt!" Claire exclaimed while shoving her camera recorder right into Brody's face.


After the 'welcome party' at the Dane's residence, Ethan said he's going to leave first because according to him if he stayed there any longer who knew what Brody could do to him, and since there's a 50 percent chance that Brody doesn't know who's behind the clown mask. Meanwhile, Claire and I have watched the video for the millionth time but it still managed to crack us up. Brody's in the shower trying to clean himself with Clayton being forced to help him, to which he protested 'I'm not gay enough to get into the bathroom with a guy'.

Clayton and I decided might as well stay for dinner since we're already here and since he said 'cleaning' Brody will take longer than expected because the boy wouldn't stop whining and screaming. "Serena Castello, I swear to god if you dare to say anything about this, if you dare to spread any gossip about me helping this jackass to clean himself, I'm going to rip your body to pieces and feed them to my dearest little sister," Clayton shouted from the bathroom. "The same thing goes for you Claire Dane."

"This is probably the first time me and this shithead ever agree on anything but—" Brody shouted. "But I'm with this shithead."

"Whatever!" Claire and I shouted at the same time from the living room while waiting for the pizzas. We looked at each other and shook our head playfully. "Boys, we ordered pizzas for dinner so I suggest you hurry up with whatever you're doing now." Claire ordered.

"Whatever!" They mocked us.

Who knew those two could get along? The last time I checked, they either can rip each other's throat apart or beat the hell out of each other. But it's Clayton Wade and Brody Dane we're talking about. They're bipolar as fvck. One second they can be a bucket full of rainbows and unicorns but they can turn into the spawn of satan in a matter of second. "Anyway, I've been meaning to ask you this," Claire said as she turned to look at me and smirked. Oh no. "What's going on between you and Clayton?"

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