Chapter 8 - Beautiful Disaster

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Kendra Davis.

Gee, where should I start?

Kendra Nicole Davis aka the reason why every girls in this school dresses like a slut (except me and Claire ofc). I have known her since elementary school and to be quite honest, she was okay when I first met her. I admit it though, she was very pretty, a lot of boys liked her—Brody Dane, excluded. Back then, though we didn't talk much to each other, we acknowledged each other by greeting, or at least smiling. However, things got pretty rough between me and Kendra on sixth grade, up until to the point where we can't be in the same room together. It was when I accidently poured orange juice all over her in front of her crush.

Guess who?

.....Brody Kieran Dane.

Yup. Kendra used to have a HUGE crush on Brody and everybody knew it. I mean who wouldn't? His name was literally all over her notebook. It was just his initials 'BKD' but everybody knew who it was.

After 'that' happened she turned into your worst nightmare. She made everyone in school (except for Claire and Brody) hated me. She spreaded fake rumors about me and even determinded to get me expelled. By the time High School happened she had been possessed by the spirit of every villians you know in movie. She claimed the entire Lockwood High as her so-called empire and that everyone should bow down to her.

B*tch, as if!

Sophomore year. That was the turning point. First day of school, she walked in with her two minions – Jewel and Sofia – wearing the skimpiest clothes ever existed (in my knowledge), killer heels, and sunglasses. Everyone thought it was fashionable, meanwhile I got sick in the stomach. Literally. I was taken to the nurse office.

After all those years being the 'victim' of Kendra Davis. I didn't hated her. I simply told myself that a person like her should be pitied because she had lost something in herself. Humanity. Whenever she insulted me I just look at her, smiled, and wished nothing but the best for her.

However as sophomore year ended Kendra seemed to have forgotten her hatred for me as she continue acting as if I didn't existed—not that I'd mind though. I was glad that I was finally free from the satan's lair.

Junior year started and she became even more popular by joining the cheerleading team and got to date most of the cute guys in school. However her relationship didn't last longer than Kim Kardashian's marriage, which to my calculation is pretty short because Kim K's marriage only lasted 72 days. Everyday you could see her swapping spit with a new guy. Ew.

I haven't even had my first kiss and I'm almost seventeen.

"What did you said, Hood?" Kendra hissed through a gritted teeth, crossing her arms against her plump chests

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"What did you said, Hood?" Kendra hissed through a gritted teeth, crossing her arms against her plump chests. She glared at Ethan and I swear to God lasers could came out from her eyes.

Ethan scratched the back of his neck, probably felt awkward to be in this situation. "This is awkward, you know. Everyone's watching." He said, which made me realized that we were surrounded with a group curious people.

"No shit, sherlock." Claire whispered and rolled her eyes.

"Just talk, Hood," Kendra stated impatiently and rubbed her temple. "What did you mean by saying that now you know why Clayton likes—" She stopped and looked at me with disgust in her face and continued, "Her?"

"YouknowClaytonsaidhe'sinterestedinherandsoyeah." Ethan said faster than a lighting bolt.

Kendra groaned and stomped her killer heels. "English, Hood. English."

"Clayton said---"

"I like her."

A voice shouted from the end of the hallway and we all turned our heads towards the source of the voice. There was Clayton Wade in his usual white v-neck t-shirt with a black leather jacket over his shoulder, walking casually towards us. He smirked as he made eye contact with me and I swear to God I could feel my stomach twitched. I looked away to hide the fact that I was as red as a tomato.

Clayton pulled me to his side as he was close enough and put his arm securely around my waist. What the fudge?! I tried to break free from his grip but it was useless, he was way stronger than I was. Everyone was taken aback by his action heck—even I was taken aback. The look on Kendra's face was priceless, her eyes were opened so wide as if her eyeballs are ready to pop out at any moment. "Let me go." I whispered whilst trying to shake his arm away from my waist.

Clayton turned his head towards me and smirked before leaning in to my ears to whisper, "No, you owe me."

"Owe you what exactly?" I whispered, still trying to shake his hand away.

He furrowed his eyebrows as if he was thinking before smiling like an idiot. Stupid gorgeous looking idiot. "You're going to owe me one after this anyways. Do you really think Kendra will just let this go?" Crap. I shook my head when the realization came through. "No, right? Then trust me. You'll owe me after this."

"Guys? We're over here! Hello? Can you please stop whispering to each other? We're standing right here! Guys?"

Claire's voice snapped me out of daze and we both turned our heads. Ethan and Daniel were clueless to what was happening, Brody was in his usual state—angry, Kendra was angry, annoyed, and resentful combined into one, while her minions were confused. On the other side, Claire was possibly irritated.

Kendra scoffed. "Do you really think I will believe this shit? You liking this girl? Serena Castello?" She scoffed once again and shot her angry glare at me. "If you want to make me jealous, it won't work Clayton," She laughed dryly, "Sweetheart, you don't know how sad I am to see how much you've downgraded after me. I'm sorry." She said and wiped her 'fake' tears before smirking.

"Me downgraded?" Clayton laughed out loud. "Honey, why do you think I don't want to be with you? Did you forget how many times I rejected you? That's because you're a downgrade," Clayton pointed down and smiled. "Meanwhile this girl, Serena Castello," Clayton moved his arm that was on my waist to my shoulders, "Is an upgrade."

I widened my eyes at what I just heard. "BURN!" I heard Ethan and Daniel said at the same time and laughed their ass off at Kendra who was clearly embarrassed and in the end, she left the scene with her minions trailing behind her.

Boy that felt refreshing. Clayton Wade just roasted the shit out of Kendra Davis.

"That was ama—"

Before I could finish the sentence, someone—a guy—took me by the wrist and pulled me towards the school's enterance.

I was too shocked to say anything.

"Brody?" I said as I took a good look at the person who roughly pulled me by the wrist.

"Brody?" I said as I took a good look at the person who roughly pulled me by the wrist

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Uh oh! What's wrong with Brody?

Here's another update, loves. Thank you for voting. Please keep voting if you like it and comment if you want to. Ask me anything. I will reply. XO

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