Chapter 6 - What The Hell?!

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After the little 'arguement' I had with Clayton, I barely made it through the whole day. Everyone around me kept talking about the incident earlier during lunch. The girls kept on glaring my way everytime I walked down the hallways, some of them even had the nerve to left a note in my locker saying, 'Stay away from you-know-who'. Note; it literally said that. Not 'Clayton' but 'You-know-who'. Those girls are so damn funny, am I right?

The only thing that made me going was, Tomorrow is Friday. I mentally cheered. Although, I still have mixed feelings about what Clayton said earlier. You pushed me away but I keep feeling myself pulled towards you. It was cheesy, I admit it. I wanted to shout bullshit to his face however, it sounded so sincere that it confused me.

No. No. You shouldn't waver at his words. Remember who he is.

Right. He's the Clayton Wade. He's a player, and like what my mom said, Once a player, always a player. I shouldn't let myself fall under the charm of Clayton Wade. He's a bad boy and I'm a good girl. A combination that can never happend in real life.

After the school ended, I went home straight away. The ride to home was complete silence. Brody and I; neither of us would talk, and Claire was forced to be silent because of us. It was completely awkward. The only words I said was 'bye' and 'I'll see you tomorrow'.

"Serena, come down here please!" Mom shouted from downstairs, releasing a small sigh from me

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"Serena, come down here please!" Mom shouted from downstairs, releasing a small sigh from me. Lazily, I closed the book I was reading and threw it across the bed and went downstairs, as slow as a snail. As soon as I entered the kitchen – where my mom is – I was greeted with the familiar lovely scent of mom's chocolate brownies. Yummy.

"What is it, mom?" I asked as I head over. She glanced up, offering me a slight smile and made her way to me. Once she was near me, she grabbed my forearm and dragged me towards the window.

"Check this out," Mom said, pulling back the plaid curtains ever so slightly – just enough for me to peek through. Furrowing my eyebrows, I threw a confused glance at her but looked through the gap anyway. What I saw surprised me greatly. "We have new neighbours." Mom said.

The house next door has been empty for the past six years – ever since I moved here. I was told that an old couple used to live there but now they're in the nursing house. Parked in front of the house was a large green moving truck and behind it was a Black Range Rover and a large motorcycle. That motorcycle strangely seems familiar, like I've seen it somewhere. I find myself gazing curiously as I watched people moving boxes in and out the house. A woman stepped out of the house, her hair is tied into a messy bun, she looked like she might be in her thirties. Next, a small girl with a Barbie doll in her hands came out. Her hair was tied into a cute ponytail and she has the cutest baby face I've ever seen on a baby. She appeared to be four.

"New neighbours, eh? After all these years..." Mom said. She had always wanted a friend—a lady friend to be exact—and now she will probably have one.

I just chuckled at her. She's probably already thinking about what she should give them as a welcome gift.

However, here comes something unfortunate.

What I saw next completely scared the shit out of me. If you think watching American Horror Story is scary, you should think twice. Let me tell you; I just saw the Clayton effing Wade came out of the house next door. He looked gorgeous as usual, with his ebony hair and sharp jaw. He was wearing his usual attire; black leather jacket and white t-shirt. My eyes instantly locked onto him as he pulled out two other boxes from the moving truck so effortlessly like it wasn't heavy at all. His face though, he wasn't very happy.


Does this mean that me and Clayton Wade are neighbours now?

That hit it me hard. I jerked away from the window without hesitation and stormed to my room right away, leaving my mom clueless. This can't be right. I mean, why does he have to move next to my house when there's a lot of other houses available, not to mention way more luxurious. Why? Why can't life be on my side, just once?

As I got into my messy room, I headed towards my small desk and started tidying it up. I put my books into the shelves according to the alphabetical orders. Yes, I like to keep things organized for my books. I unplugged my phone from its charger once I saw it was completely charged and unlocked it. I was soon greeted with a phone call from an unknown number.

After two rings, I decided to pick up.

"Hello?" I whispered.

"Look up," The familiar voice sounded. "Mi lady."

I glanced up as he said and...oh crap.

"Looks like we're neighbours now."

What the hell?!

They're neighbours now!

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They're neighbours now!

Guess I should tell you,

A lot of unexpected things (like this) might happend a lot in the future so...

Anyways, hope you like it!


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