Chapter 4 - Mi Lady

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Claire Dane is played by Ashley Benson.

I walked towards the Math classroom with a book clutched onto my chest

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I walked towards the Math classroom with a book clutched onto my chest. I sat down just as the bell rang and people started pouring in, including Mr. Devil aka Clayton Wade. I was busy getting out the books I needed when someone sat down next to me. At first, I didn't look up because I was putting my book on my desk but when I did, I was greeted with no other than the devil himself, Clayton Wade.

I mentally sighed as my eyes locked with his pretty brown eyes. It was worrying me that he chose to sit right next to me, not just because he will bother me but also because people are starting to make me the center of their gossip. If there's one thing you should know about Clayton is that he never sat down beside a girl in class. Why? Nobody knows.

"Hello, mi lady." He said.

"You're not going to leave me alone, aren't you?" I whispered, desperately trying not to attract any more attention from our classmates since most of them are desperately trying to steal a piece of information from our 'little conversation'.

He nodded; smiling like the Grinch. Rather than having to deal with him, I'd rather sketch. I pull out my sketchbook from my backpack and opened to the page I left a few days ago to finish it. I sketch for fun, however I'm not that good. I'm slightly above standard.

Clayton saw the sketchbook in my hand so he took it away from me. I tried to take my sketchbook back but I knew I had zero chance with him. He turned around and went through the pages of my sketchbook. I drew weird things. The last thing I drew was a tree without leaves.

"These are yours?" He asked and should I say he sounded kind of surprised?

"No, your mom." I answered sarcastically as I gave up on trying to get my sketchbook back.

Clayton chuckled. "You have quite an attitude, for a nerd."

"Yeah, well, you are quite an asshole," I replied in annoyance. He chuckled and messed my hair while continuing to turn the pages. I take a look around and felt a wave of relief when everyone was minding their own business.

Clayton wanted to say something else but he was cut off by our teacher who came in late and finally started the class. I got my sketchbook back from him and continued drawing my unfinished drawing. It was Twisty the Clown from American Horror Story. I freaking loved that show. It was amazingly gruesome, and yes I'm a sucker for horror stuffs.

I'm shocked that Clayton haven't said a word about my drawing. Most people that saw my drawing quickly backed away as if I'm a serial killer.

Clayton watched me draw, slumping back in his seat, sitting with one of his legs above another so it was touching my right. He sometimes even tried to mess my drawing with 'accidently' nudged my elbow. However after a few times, I got irritated and angry-whispered, "What?"

"Nothing." He said, smirking and put his hands up in defeat.

I looked away almost too sudden, I almost got a whiplash but he still won't give up. I was almost done with my drawing when I felt Clayton lean in and whisper something in my ear. I jumped slighty in my seat, taken completely off guard.

He asked, "What are you doing this weekend?"

I looked at him weird. "Why do you ask?"

"Ethan's having a party at my place, I was wondering if you would like to come?" He said, looking down. Suddenly the floor became interesting.

Unknowingly a smile crept onto my face. He was embarrassed. Why though? I bet he had invited thousands of girls to a party before, not to mention all of them are probably much hotter than me. "No, thanks. I've got work to do." I explained and continue my drawing.

He frowned. "Like what?"

I pursed my lips before answering, "I have a job. I mean like a real job that makes money."

He smirked. "Really? Where?"

I was about to answer when the bell rang signaling it was time for lunch. "Uh, I've got to go, sorry." I said, picking up my things before made my way out of the class to the cafeteria. I could faintly hear Clayton shouting 'wait' but I decided to ignore it and continue my way to the cafeteria.

As I arrived in the cafeteria, I made my way to my usual table where Claire was already sitting, but this time; no Brody. I wrinkled my eyebrows as I looked around, searcing for Brody Dane. I stopped my tracks as I spotted him—as expected, he was sitting at the popular table. There sat, as usual—Kendra Davis, Jewel Smith, and Sofia Miller; the Barbie wannabe's, Clayton Wade, Ethan Hood, and Daniel Brenner. However now, Clayton was nowhere to be found and Brody was added to the list.

I grab my lunch and sat down in front of Claire. "So, your twin finally decided to ditch us?" I said as I sat down.

"Apparently," Claire said, shooting dagers to Brody who's laughing happily with his new friends. "I knew he would do that. I just didn't knew it would be this soon."

"Don't worry, we'll be find without that dork." I said and patted her on the back.

"I'm seriously going to kill him," Claire clenched her fists and then roughly took a bite out of her burger.

What did the burger do wrong?

The second I was eating my food, I heard a chair screeching against the floor beside me which caused me to stop eating and looked up.

"Hello again, mi lady."

Hahaha, I love the world 'mi lady' for some odd reason

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Hahaha, I love the world 'mi lady' for some odd reason.

Anyway, I hope you like this one!

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