Chapter 25 - Am I Ready For This?

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This chapter is focused entirely on Clayton's point of view.


I'm screwed.

"Bro, calm down! You have been walking back and forth like a freaking maniac for 40 minutes. Freaking out isn't gonna get you anywere!" Ethan demanded as he took a long breath and rubs his temples.

"Easy for you to say when you don't have an ex-girlfriend who claims that she gave birth to your baby!" I exclaimed as I throw my hands up in the air out of frustration and flopped myself on the couch. "You know what I'm afraid of? I'm not afraid that Serena will find out about this, eventually I'm gonna tell her anyways, but I'm afraid that Kendra bitch will be one step ahead of me and tell her everything before I got my chance. You never know what she's going to do."

"How can you be so sure that it's your baby? It might not be yours! You broke up with her right before she moved away and that's like," Ethan tapped his chin as if he was thinking before he looked at me in aghast. "And that's exactly nine months ago."

That's not helping.

I messed my hair and let out a sigh. "My future is messed up if it's really mine. I don't know what I am going to tell my mom, I mean, I can't even take care of Kellie much less a baby that's probably mine. I need to know if it's really mine, I need to make sure I am not the father, I need to go see her. Come with me?"

"I'll go with you in one condition," Ethan said and his gaze at me couldn't be any more intense. "You will tell Serena and your mom if it's really yours."

I clenched my jaw and looked away. If it's really mine, can I tell Serena without minding what she is going to think about me? what about my mom? I'm just going to be another burden of her if it is true. I'd rather move out of the house than seeing my mom hurt, especially not by me. I hated my dad for hurting my mom and just the thought of me being one of the reasons she's hurt is hurting me more.

"I'll tell them." I stated with lack of confidence.

Ethan narrowed his gaze at me. "You didn't mean that."

"I promise I will tell them." I said and crossed my heart. Ethan didn't seem to buy it but he went along with it.

"You're going to be fine," Ethan reassured me and patted my shoulder. "If it's really yours then you have to be responsible for it and if it's not yours, you have to go to church this Sunday and praise the Lord for His kindness."

Well now, let me explain to you what is going on because clearly you have no idea what is going on and you must be wondering.

Three years ago, a girl named Nora Bennett moved to Lockwood High and she was one of the prettiest girl that I have ever seen. Everyone immediately adored her as she wasn't just a pretty face but also a kind-hearted and smart girl, that includes me. Ethan, Daniel, Nora, and I were what you call a squad. We were inseperable, especially me and Nora. So long story short, Nora and I started dating. However, we broke up because she had to move away to god-knows-where. As long as I know, we had sex one time and now she is back in town and claimed that she just gave birth to my baby.

That's kind of absurd, isn't it? How would you feel when your longlost ex suddenly claims that they have your baby? It was normal for me to freak out. Most of all, Kendra knew and it's not a good thing.

Ethan and I are currently on our way to Nora's old house. Apparently, she's back in there."Relax, bro. You're so tense." Ethan said and chuckled. "I have never seen you so scared before. It's funny."

I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "It's not funny! Your best friend just found out that he could be a father and you're laughing at him?" I scoffed. "I got myself a really nice best friend."

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