Chapter 14 - Nobody Flirts With My Girl, You Monkey-Butt

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Warning; This chapter contains offensive languages.


It was dead silence. As if time stopped, nobody said anything, nobody moved, it was as if they forgot how to breath for a while. I shut my eyes, afraid if I open them I'm going to see a flock of Clayton's plastic barbie dolls shooting lasers at me. After a few seconds of silence, I opened my eyes only to witness what I was expecting. Everyone was in shock to the point where they couldn't say anything whilst I heard Clayton laughing out loud beside me.

"T-that w-was awesome!" Clayton said between his laughs, slamming his fists on the table.

As if Clayton's words was a wake up call, everyone started laughing along with him. Some of them even pointed at me while asking if I was crazy, Clayton's bimbos on the other side, looked like they're going to explode in a matter of second. They were sending me their deadliest glare ever. If only looks could kill.

I bit my lips and put my head down, not knowing what to do. "What's that supposed to mean?" I heard Claire asked as I sat down. "You love him?" Claire asked and pointed at Clayton, who has stopped laughing now.

"Yup," Clayton said popping the 'p' and put his arms around my shoulders, pulling me closer to him. "She loves me. Am I right?"

I sighed and covered my face with my hands. While I was consicious of the stares and whispers we were getting, Clayton was completely oblivious of it, or did he simply don't care?

But then something completely unexpected happened. Someone pulled my arm by force until I fell of the chair on the butt, leaving me speechless in utter shock. Before I could say anything, the person poured orange juice all over me. I gasped as the cold liquid came in touch with my body. Instantly, Clayton stood up from his chair and helped me up without looking who pulled my arm forcefully. As he helped me up, I looked up to see who in the hell would dare to do such a thing. Oh, of course.

I looked up not only to see Kendra Davis holding a juice box in her hand but also having that annoying little smirk on her face – her minions was standing behind her having that similiar annoyting little smirk on their faces. "Are you fucking crazy?!" Clayton shouted at Kendra, making her flinch. He reached for his backpack, unzipped it and pulled out a napkin. "Here, wipe yourself." He said and handed me the napkin which I took and nod at him gratefully.

"Are you okay?" Claire said as she was beside me, brushing my jeans. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" Claire shouted at Kendra.

"She started it!" Kendra shouted back, earning a growl from Clayton.

"I started what exactly?" I asked calmly, gritting my teeth.

"Clayton is mine---"

She was cut off by Clayton.

"Listen, princesa. I'm not a toy, I'm not anybody's property, and I'm obiviously not yours so stop saying that I'm yours or I'm your boyfriend to your bimbo friends because I am not, understand?" Clayton stated, earning an eye roll from her. Everyone that hear this was simply shocked. "And one more thing, just because you're a girl doesn't mean I can't ruin you so I suggest you run now."

She scoffed. "Just remember when I spilled all of your secrets you're dead, Wade. Don't think I'm going to let this go so easily." Kendra flicked her hair and walked out of the cafeteria with her minions trailing behind her.

Clayton sighed. "The same thing goes for all of you so I suggest you leave her alone, understand?" Everyone nodded. "Go continue doing what you were doing. Show's over."

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