Chapter 13 - Monday, Oh, Monday

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Do you want to know that one question that you can't never answer nor try to understand even if you want to? That one question that probably every students—no, every person alive will never know how to answer; Why is Monday so far from Friday, and Friday so near to Monday?

I tried asking a few people I knew and so far the answers I've gathered didn't make any sense.

Claire dramatically said; "It's called the Circle of Life."

And when I asked Brody Dane, he answered, "God gave us Monday to punish us for what we did during the weekend," It seems make sense TO HIM because he did a lot of things a teenager shouldn't do every weekend. But me? I did nothing but read, eat, and watch during the weekend. I shouldn't be punished for doing nothing, right?

I loathed Monday. Especially, this Monday.


Clayton's three wishes.

"Woah, you sure experienced A LOT at your first ever party, didn't you?"

I turned to Claire with an acknowledging grunt, slamming my back against the locker and crossed my arms in a casual manner. "What? Do I look like crap?" I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes. I brought my fingers up to massage the pain away in my temple.

"Seriously though, what happened at the party?" Claire asked, leaning against the locker beside mine and crossing her arms across her chest in a casual manner.

"What happened was your brother decided to be an asshole and ditched me," I said emphasizing the word 'your brother' and 'asshole'.

Claire gasped. "He ditched you?"

"Well, he didn't really ditched me...he got drunk so he couldn't drive me home---" I stopped mid way through my sentence and shot her a confused look. "What? He didn't tell you?"

"No," Claire shook her head and sighed. "Actually, he hasn't come home since Saturday. I tried calling him but he didn't pick up."

"Again?" I sighed.

Did he stayed at Ethan's place? Or did something bad happened to him? No, Brody can handle himself. There's no way something bad would happen to him. Instead, I'm pretty sure something bad could happen when he's on the loose. The last time he went missing, he was detained at the police station for vandalism so his dad has to 'settle' the case with money. FYI, it was a lot of money.

And yes, it's not the first time Brody Kieran Dane went missing.

"We were playing truth or dare and Brody was dared to drink 30 bottles of beer alone, which he did," I explained. "I was against it though but he insisted so he was drunk as fvck when I left the party. I don't know anything after that. I left with Clayton."

Claire sighed and ruffled her hair. "What the hell was he thinking? Mom's so furious."

"I'm sure he's okay, don't worry. He's probably at Ethan's place," I said giving her a reassuring smile and patted her shoulder. "He's Brody Dane. I'm sure he's okay."

"I just hope he's not arrested or something like last time." Claire said and shrugged.

"Well let's just hope---"

"Serena!" My eyes snapped towards the source of the voice, before widening in aghast. Clayton Wade, flanked by Ethan Hood and Daniel Brenner, was walking towards me with a big smile plastered on his face and his leather jacket across his shoulder. Just at the mere sound of their God-ish voice, people immediately zone onto me as I started sulking in my position. Why can't I have a common name? As far as I know, there's no other Serena in this school.

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