The Perfect Couple

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"If you're in love, then you are the lucky one. Because most of us are bitter over someone."

Chapter 1

"You know if you weren't late we wouldn't have had to park so far away." I grumble as I trudge along behind Matt.

"Oh you know you enjoy spending time with me," he teases back. Playfully I swat at his back and miss completely. He catches my hand and spins around to face me. He cups my cheeks and gives me a quick peck on the lips.

Still holding my hand, we continue down the dark streets of downtown Charleston. I lean in against his side and he lets go of my hand, wraps his arm around me and pulls me close, kissing the top of my head in one smooth move. I smile, a little smile.

For the first time in a long time everything seemed to be perfect. Perfect date. Perfect boyfriend. Perfect horse. Perfect friends. Somewhat perfect grades. What could go wrong?

Yet, with everything seemingly perfect, something in my gut still made me feel worried. I wasn't quite sure what it was though.

"Matt," my voice barely above a whisper.

"Yes my dear?" he turns and faces me with a huge smile plastered to his face. But he stops once he sees my face. "What is it, Em?"

"Without asking why, will you tell me everything will be okay, alright, please?" He wraps his arms around me and pulls me close.

"Everything is going to be okay, Em." he says out loud. Then, kissing the top of my head, he murmurs into my hair, "Everything is going to be okay."

I smile. It's what I wanted him to say, yes, but something kept nagging at me that something was going to happen, something that would ruin my seemingly perfect life, I wasn't sure what though.

We continue on to the parking garage, hand in hand, in a silence bliss. As he opens the door for me to the stairwell, I turn to face him. "I'm sorry if I ruined your night by having to leave early or by my mood. I'm just exhausted." I look down.

He says nothing and follows in behind me into the stairwell. Suddenly, he pushes me up against the wall and kisses me. I was completely taken aback at first. After my heart stops racing I meet his passionate kiss with my own. I melt into him, my arms wrapping around his tiny, yet muscular body. He leans into me, his kisses trailing down to my neck, my breath hitches as I sigh a sigh of pleasure. His hands move from the wall to my hips and then down to my butt. I throw my arms around his neck and deepen the kiss as his body presses more against mine.

Hearing voices, he takes a step back and looks at me, his hands still on my waist. His eyes search mine. "You could never ruin anything, Em. It made my night that I got to spend it with you."

I blush. He pulls me away from the wall and we start walk up the stairs. I feel hands on my sides and a squeeze. I let out a squeal and swat at him. He chases me up the stairs till we get to the correct landing.

We walk to his car, once again hand in hand in a silence bliss. I start to pull in front of him but he blocks me. "Matt, what are you doing? I'm gonna be late.." I trail off seeing his face.

"You know I really like you Emily, I'd be a fool if I ever lost a girl like you. I see us staying together for a while. You make me feel like I'm a normal guy, not Irene's working student, not the guy girls only want to date because I ride. You make me feel like I am normal, I can tell you really like me for me, not just because I'm a guy rider. " he looks into my eyes. I believe him. I believed every single word that he said right there.

I'm speechless. What can you possibly say to that? So I just kiss him and bury my head into his chest and say, "Awww, Matt, I want to stay together for a while too."

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