And So It Begins...

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"There will be dozens of people who will take your breath away, but the one who reminds you to breathe is the one you should keep."

Chapter 11

Hey, will you come over tonight, please? I barely got to see you at all since you were on that field trip all day.

I read the text and sigh. I was exhausted, I had spent all day hiking around an island in the heat and with not nearly enough water, and my bed just looked so inviting. That and we had seen each other every single day this week. We were spending a lot of time together, surely he could survive a day without seeing me outside of school. But I text him back anyways.

Sure, on my way.

"I'm headed out!" I call out to whoever could hear me in the house.

I hear a faint, "Okay." from someone deep inside my house. Grabbing my keys, I trudge down the steps and towards my car.

Turning my car on, I check my phone to make sure Nick hadn't sent me something else. Instead I see a text from Zach. He was one of the major rednecks in my class. He had taken it upon himself during the field trip to flirt with me nonstop and text me ever since we exchanged numbers after we got off the ferry.

You know, you are absolutely gorgeous, you deserve a guy who will tell you that everyday.

I feel my cheeks turn bright red and a smile creep onto my lips. He definitely was a sweetie and a total cutie. But someone who both smokes and dips, just really wasn't my type.

Awww, thanks you're too sweet!

Throwing my phone onto the passenger seat, I floor it out of my neighborhood. In a matter of minutes I pull into Nick's driveway and send him a quick text saying I was here. Few seconds later he comes jogging out to my car and slides into the passenger seat. "Hey, how was the field trip today?"

I laugh, "Um, long, exciting, tiring, someone caught an alligator. It was pretty interesting, but I'm exhausted."

"I bet." A calm silence fills the car, that is until my phone goes off with another message from Zach.

"Who's that?" Nick asks curiously, peering at my phone.

"Oh, it's Zach, he's in my class, he went on the field trip with us today."

"What'd he say?"

I read the text aloud, "He said, "No problem, I only speak the truth" Smiley face."

"What was said before that?"

I start to squirm, I feel as though I am under interrogation. "Um, he just said that I was really pretty and that I deserve someone who will tell me that everyday and I said thanks."

The corners of Nick's mouth turn downward, into a frown. "Dammit, you already have other guys trying to talk to you, haven't you told them you're taken?"

"Um, well, I mean, I'm not technically taken, but I'm not flirting back with them. It's not a big deal, I don't like him, I like you, and that's it."

Nick looks at me quizzically, then out the window. What I wouldn't give to know what was going on in that jealous mind of his. "I had this all planned out..."

Exhaustion taking over me, I lay my head in his lap, and he starts playing with my hair. "What did you have all planned out?" I ask, looking up at his face.

"Emily, will you go out with me?" He asks, his blue eyes boring into mine. They seemed to be pleading with me to say 'yes'.

"Yes," I simply say, excitement lacing my voice.

He lets his breath out and looks up, then back down at me. "I don't want to hurt you."

Confusion came over me, what did he mean. "What do you mean? Like physically or emotionally?"

Looking back down at me, he says, "Both, I couldn't dream of hurting you, either way, and I don't want to either."

I smile, and place my hand on his cheek tenderly, "You won't, I know you won't, have some faith."

Smiling, he leans down and kisses me gently before pulling away. I glance up at the clock, "Crap, I got to head home."

"Okay babe, text me when you get home so I know you got home safely."

"I will, see you tomorrow," I kiss him goodbye and he gets out of my car. I watch him walk back into his house before I pull away. Turning back onto the main road, it suddenly hits me. Two weeks after being brutally dumped by the guy I was crazy about, I was going out with someone else. What have I just gotten myself into?


Hey guys, sorry this chapter is really short. I haven't really been in the writing mood that and I'm just stalling on studying for my English test, oops? But voila, I know it's short, but I have another short chapter going up in the next few minutes too, so well, enjoy! I'll try to update again, hopefully soon.

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