The Turnaround

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"You can't just give up on someone because the situation's not ideal. Great relationships aren't great because they have no problems. They're great because both people care enough about the other person to find a way to make it work."

Chapter 19

You're not gonna cheat on me at college, are you? I send it, finally letting my concern get the best of me.

Really, you're unbelievable. I'm done with this conversation. And I'm done talking to you.

A strangled cry escapes my mouth as I slump against my steering wheel and I cry. I screwed up, but did he really have to get that upset?

My phone rings, I grab for it, hoping and praying it is Nick. It wasn't. It's Ethan.

"Hello," I mumble, trying to hide the fact that I had been crying.

"Whoa, Em, are you okay," he immediately asks.

"Not really. It'''s Nick," I sob.

I can hear Ethan stiffen, "Come over, we can talk."

"Okay," I concede and hang up. I drive to Ethan's house as fast as possible.

Pulling into his driveway, I see Ethan and Luke walking towards me. Stepping out of my car, Ethan wraps me up into as big of a hug as he can give me with his little body.

Parting, I look over at Luke. He gives me a sympathetic smile. "It looks like you could use some ice cream. While you and Ethan talk, I'll go get me car." I shoot him a grateful smile and he walks out.

Sitting against my car, I cry. In between my sobs, I tell Ethan in detail about what happened with Nick. He sits beside me, a strained look on his face. As soon as I finish, he shoots up. "That asshole! Emily, you know I don't like him, at all. He is just a jerk."

I look down at my hands, "No he's not. He's a good guy. I promise. It's all my fault." I blink back the tears, "It's always my fault," I whisper, more to myself than anyone else.

Ethan looks at me, like he's about to say something, but just then Luke pulls in. "Go get your friend," Luke calls out to Ethan, Ethan spares me one last look before heading inside his house to get his friend.

Pulling myself off the ground, I drag my feet over to Luke's waiting car. I plop my self down in the shotgun seat and drawl my legs up onto the seat. Luke looks at me, "Another fight."

I nod.

"Well, ice cream will cheer you up." Luke says confidently.

"Maybe, but I have no money," I say without looking at him.

"Don't worry about it, my treat. That and I'll just add it onto the ever-growing list of 'how much money Nick owes me' deal?" he casts me a sideways glance.


Minutes later, we are on the road, and Luke has me double overed in fits of laughter of his lovely singing of 'Hot'n'Cold' by Katy Perry. I eat my M&M Sonic Blast in between fits of laughter, as Luke , Ethan, and Ethan's friend try to put a smile on my face and make me in a better mood. It was working.


"FINE THEN, LET'S MEET UP AND WE CAN SORT THIS SHIT OUT!" I roar into the phone. Out of the corner of my eye I can see both Luke and Ethan flinch at the sound of my voice. Nick and I had been on the phone for 10 minutes, screaming at each other over this.

"FINE! DRIVE TO MY HOUSE!" he roars back.

"I will. Bye." I snap, hanging up on him.

"I gotta go, bye," I grumble at the boys while I stalk past them.

"Good luck!" Luke calls after me. I ignore him. I don't have time to shoot him a nasty glare.

I tear through the neighborhood, going a good 30 miles over the speed limit. I pull into his driveway and text him saying 'I'm here'.

Seconds later, he comes walking from the garage, anger evident in his step. Opening my car door, he sits down and slams the door shut. We just stare at each other for the longest minute of my life.

Finally, I break, "I'm sorry! Okay? I'm sorry. I fucked up. I get that. I'm sorry!" I burst into tears, not knowing if they were tears of anger or of fear. I look away from him, not wanting him to see me cry. Before I know what's happening, he pulls me into his lap and rubs my back as I cry.

"Okay, Em, I know you are. Just have a little more faith in me, okay?" he asks soothingly.

I can manage to only nod my head.

He chuckles, "I swear, you'll be the death of me. How'd you know that of instantly forgive you once I saw you?"

"Lucky guess?" I mumble, my face still buried into his chest.

He just laughs. My face still stays buried in his chest as the minutes roll by. He breaks the silence first, this time. "So how much will you hate me if I said I brought a condom? I hear makeup sex is the best sex."

I roll my eyes and kiss him. Smirking, I tell him, "I guess we will just have to find out then."


Hey y'all! Sorry for another short chapter. But hey! The book is almost done. Finally! After this one is done, there will also be a sequel called "He Let Her Go", which will be about everything that has happened since the break up, cause evidently just because we're broken up doesn't mean he still doesn't try to tell me what to do. There will also be a prequel called "Dared To", which will be about how the relationship with Matt started and ended. So please read those when they're put up. Thank you guys so much for reading this!

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