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"Have you ever watched a leaf leave a tree? It falls upward first, and then it drifts toward the ground, just as I find myself drifting towards you."
-Beth Kephart

Chapter 7

Haha i feel you can i ask you a question

Groggily, I stare at the message again. I quickly type a response saying he could. About 2 hours later a finally responded.

Can I have your number?


I type out my number and minutes later I get a text from him.

Over the next few hours we text, nonstop, talking about anything and everything. He was charming, sarcastic, and funny. And the best part of all, he made me laugh, something I hadn't done it what seemed like forever. He made me feel like me again, just talking to him.

7:00 pm Later that Day

I perch myself on the edge of the chair that was sitting in this guys room. I didn't even know the name of this guy, he was my friend Kyla's soon-to-be-possibly-boyfriend's room. I had only tagged along to play as cover up for her parents.

I take a long look around the room. Two words for you. Pig pen. It was absolutely disgusting. Beer cans and vodka laid around, dirty clothes and take out boxes thrown everywhere, without a care. Kyla and What's-His-Face were busy playing some video game, while What's-His-Face's friend was busy getting details on a party downtown that they wanted to go to. And me? What was I doing? I was texting Nick.

My phone lights up with another text from him. I smile, it was weird seeing another guy's name pop up on my screen, but this guy made me laugh and he was nice.

Hey, so random question but are you dating anyone right now?

I sigh and send him another text.

No my boyfriend broke up with me a few days ago or well like a week ago.

Oh I'm so sorry, what happened? If you don't mind me asking.

Haha, well I'll let you know as soon as I know

Oh, wow, one of those jerks, well I'm sorry to hear about that, are you okay with it?

I bite my lip. Was I okay with it? No, not really, but I wasn't about to kill whatever this was between Nick and I before it even got started.

I mean yeah it hurts, but I'm okay with it, it's no big deal.

Oh well I'm glad to hear that!:)

I smile at my phone and Kyla catches me doing so.

"Oh my god! Emily! Can I please set you two up! Y'all would be too stinking cute together!" Kyla shouts over the video game.

I feel heat rising into my cheeks. "Ha, umm, I think I'm just gonna let this play out on it's own, thanks though."

She smirks at me but returns to the video game and I return to my phone.

Yeah so hey what are you doing monday, with us having the day off and everything?? I text him.

Uh, nothing yet, why?

You wanna hang out??

Sure! what do you want to do?

Well, since I thought of the idea to hang out, you get to decide what we do.

Ugh, fine. Well it's probably going to sound clichéd but what if I pick you up and we go for a bike ride around my neighborhood, then lunch?

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