So This Is Goodbye

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"Which hurts worse? A beautiful person who treated you like gold deciding they need to go on with out you (even though they love you endlessly). Or, someone who pretended to care, telling you (after you poured yourself out to them) that their feelings for you are gone, or were never even there at all."

Chapter 3

My heart remained in my stomach for the rest of the day. Something was going on between Matt and I, and only he seemed to know what it was. I continuously looked at my phone throughout the rest of the day. Hoping, praying for a text, for anything from him. He always texted me throughout the day, but I got nothing.

Third block was over and I was on my way to fourth block, the last block of the day. He had an early out but he always came and met me outside of my fourth block. Today shouldn't be any different, should it?

I walk hurriedly through the halls, not bothering to apologize to the people I bumped into. As I approach the outside of my classroom, I slow down and search for his face in the crowds of people. I pause for a quick second, looking for him, but I don't see him anywhere. The smile from my face fell, my heart sank lower in my stomach. I felt tears form in my eyes. I will not cry I tell myself.

I walk into class, mumble a, "Hey" to my teacher and slip into my seat.

Where were you?? I text him.

I slip my phone back in my backpack and pull out my notebook to take notes. Thirty minutes later I finally have a chance to check my phone. He had texted me.

Sorry, had to get to my grandma's house before she got home. Just got home myself.

What the hell, he had told me we couldn't hang out today and have our typical movie night like usual because he'd be with his grandma. I tried not to let it bother me, but I had this nagging feeling in the back of my head. Shaking my head I replied back.

Get some rest you need it.

I slide my phone into my back pocket and gather my things. I sneak out of class along with some of the others before the bell rings and run to my car.

Impatiently I tap my fingers waiting for Rawleigh to get out. I was about to pull away from the school when she slipped into the passenger side of my blue Volkswagen beetle bug.

She chatters on and on about the 'Bo's' in her class and about how she almost got in a fight with some girl in first block. I hardly catch any of it, only replying with the occasional nod or "wow, what a bitch."

Reaching the barn she jumps out of the car and says "bye"! I pull out of the barn and check my phone. Nothing. He hadn't texted me back. That was so unusual. So unlike him.


Fifteen minutes later I pull into my driveway. I trudge up the stairs of my house, toss my back pack by the stairs and plop down on the couch. Turning on the tv, I tap my foot nervously on the floor.

My phone lights up. It was him.

I'm trying to but I just can't seem to fall asleep.

Quickly, I reply.

Don't text me back till you have taken a nap. You need to sleep, then you'll be back to normal.

I send it. Hopefully when he wakes up he'll be back to the Matt I know and love. He doesn't reply. Good. Maybe he's finally asleep.

A few hours later I decide to send him one last text.

Hey I know you're asleep but I just wanted to tell you that you mean the world to me and I just want you to get some rest so you'll be back to normal. I'll always have you're back 150%. Goodnight hun.

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