A Night At The Fair

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"What I want is to be needed. What I need is to be indispensable to somebody. Who I need is somebody that will eat up all my free time, my ego, my attention. Somebody addicted to me. A mutual addiction."

-Chuck Palahnuik

Chapter 13

It had been two days since he had asked me to be his girlfriend. It had been two days since I had said yes to being his girlfriend. While some of my initial reactions had vanished, yes, I was attracted to him, yes, I liked him, but something in my gut just told me not to get my hopes up. That, and a little part of me still nagged at the thought that maybe Matt still liked me, maybe I made a mistake by saying 'yes' to being Nick's girlfriend. Many 'what if's' filled my mind in these past few days. I guess I was just going to have to trust myself that I made the right decision by saying 'yes' to Nick, two days ago.

I apply a little bit more mascara and a little blush to my pale cheeks. Just as I'm putting the makeup back into it's drawer I hear a doorbell right.

"Hi, how are you doing today?" I hear a male voice say. It's Nick's. Tonight was the night I would meet some more of his friends and go I my first fair here.

"I'm good, please come in." I hear my mom reply. Two seconds later my mom calls out, "Emily, Nick's here!"

"Coming!" I shout as I grab my Northface jacket and rush out of my room. I'm greeted by Nick, who gives me a once over.

"You look good, are you ready to go?" he asks.

"Thanks," I blush, "and yup, I have my money and everything. Bye mom, I'll text you later!"

"Okay honey, love you, be careful!"

I roll my eyes, "Of course mom." And with that Nick and I walk out of the house and I close the door behind me.


"Nick," I whine, while I watch him clean his car, "when are we leaving for the fair?"

Nick sighs and gets up from washing the tires, "As soon as my dad gets home and I get money so we can go. Now will you please help me?" He tosses me a rag and I roll my eyes.

"Fine, but your ruin my boots or spray me with the hose, you are going to have bigger issues other than your car being dirty," I mumble and grab the rag and bend down to start scrubbing away some of the dirt on his tires.

A few minutes later a feel cold droplets sprinkle down on my face. Slowly and putting on my most intimidating look, I rise from behind my side of the Jeep. Giving him my meanest death glare, through gritted teeth I bite out, "What. The. Hell. Was. That."

A smirk plays at his lips, "Oops?" he shrugs his shoulders.

"Oops?" I mimic in a sarcastic voice. "Well oops," I say as I wet my rag and throw it at his face. He shoots me an evil glare that will surely give me nightmares, his dad pulls up.

"Hate to break you two up, but Nick, here's the money, you two run along," his dad says.

Nick mouths, 'You're lucky' to me while I smile at his dad.


"It's about damn time!" Luke says as he opens up the door, letting me and Nick into his house.

"Blame Nick, he's the one who takes longer than a girl to get ready," I say pushing past Luke, instantly throwing Nick under the rug.

Nick shoots me an exasperated look, but before he could respond, another brown haired guy comes down the stairs, "Well she definitely nailed you there Nick," he winks at me, "Hey, I'm Garrett, you must be the over talked up Emily."

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