Nothing Good Ever Lasts

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"Sometimes things have to change and maybe sometimes they're for the better." - Lilo & Stitch

Chapter 2

"Don't worry, he's in Savannah trying out new horses. He probably hasn't even looked at his phone, that and he's with Irene, she would skin him alive if he texted you back while he was around her."

"Yeah, you're right." I sigh. Matt had only sent me one text today and a whole bunch of snapchats. I know he's busy trying out new horses with his trainer, who hates me to say the least. But I know Matt, he always finds time for me, no matter what. Was there something wrong? Did I do something? I don't think so, it was just a night ago that he told me he'd be a fool if he ever lost me.

"See you tomorrow." I call out after Lexie as she hops out of my car. She waves back with her little cheery smile she always had on her face.

After ten minutes of driving I pull into my driveway and that's when I glance down at my phone. Matt had texted me. It was a short text simply saying. Sorry I was busy all day. I sigh, between what I had received from him today, none of it sounded like him.

I walk into my house, say hi to my parents, and walk up to my room. Sitting cross-legged on my bed I call Matt.

"Hello." he answers. It wasn't his usual cheery self. He's just tired I think to myself.

"Hey hun. Are you okay? Are we okay? I know you've been busy today but you haven't seemed yourself at all. What's going on?"

"Emily, you know I leave for Florida in a few months and I'm no where near ready or where I need to be to go down there. And I'm just going to keep getting more and more busy."

I gulp. Tears line my eyes, I was almost sure of what he would say next. "What do you want?" I manage to croak out. "What do you want? Don't worry about what I want or what Irene wants, what do you want? Do you want to make this work like you said you did last night?"

His end was silent, then he spoke, "I want to make it work. I want to stay with you. It's not going to be easy though Emily, you realize that right."


"Okay, well I want to make it work more than anything. I got to go I'm driving, I'll text you. Bye."

"Bye." I manage to get out before he hung up. I put my phone down in a dream state, he always talked to me while he was driving, always. Something was different now. I'm no fool, I knew something had happened and our entire relationship wasn't the same.


Good morning my dear. The text read, it was what he always send me every morning. I frown though, something was up, everything in my brain was flashing saying so. I'm not a stupid person.

I put my phone down and go back to concentrating on my driving. I was almost to school, I'd see Matt in a bit, maybe before class if I was lucky.

8:10 the clock in my blue Volkswagen beetle bug read. For me, that was late, but I stay in my car, hoping that he would show up soon. How far away are you? I send him.

2nd roundabout, gonna be late. Was what I got back from him a few seconds later. I sigh and look at the clock. 8:18, I gather my things, lock my car, put on my ID and head into the school.


I wait for him after class, I see him walk out of class smiling and laughing. Then I see the girl next to him, my heart sinks to my stomach. Matt looks up and sees me, he stops laughing but the smile remains on his face. The girl looks at him and he waves what looks like a goodbye wave. Her eyes follow him as he walks over to me. She gives me a once over, a quick glare then walks off. "Hey how was class?" he asks me as we follow the rest of the school to our next classes.

"It was okay, how was yours?" I fall into step with him.

"It was good." Then he was silent. Things still weren't the same between us, I could tell, which made my heart sink farther into my stomach.

Trying to lighten the mood I say, "You know last night I was so sure you were gonna break up with me. Don't ever scare me like that again."

He laughs, "Em, breaking up with you was the farthest thing from my mind last night." Him saying that confused me even more, from the way he had been speaking it had sounded like he had at least thought about it.

We walk to where we split off in silence. He pulls me into a half-hearted hug and then walks off. I cast a glance back at him. Things really weren't the same. What was happening?

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