The First I Love You

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"I loved her. Not for the way she danced with my angels, but for the way the sound of her name could silence my demons."

-Christopher Poindexter

Chapter 16

Another week had sailed by smoothly. Hardly any arguments, which when we weren't arguing over petty things, we were actually quite happy.

At my parents request, Nick was coming over for dinner, or well, he was coming over and we were all heading out for dinner. After he arrived, we all slip into my dad's truck and we drive off to the restaurant. My parents make idle chatter with each other, while my brother play's on his iPad. Nick and I just play on each other's phones.

That's when I saw it. It was like a giant, neon flashing sign.

1 new message from Audrey S.

I knew exactly who it was from. No matter what I guy I seemed to talk to, she was always a part of their lives somehow. She is one of the biggest sluts and school and almost everyone knows who she is, and out of a school of almost 4,000 kids, that's saying something.

Slowly, I turn to look at Nick, who, by now, realizes something is off by my rigid posture. "What. Is. This." I say through clenched teeth and in a whisper so my parents didn't hear. Maybe I was partially jealous, but at the same time I could not stand the slut and wanted nothing to do with her.

Showing Nick the message, he begins to explain himself, but noticing the stopped car, I jump out before giving him a chance to explain. I was furious and I didn't want to hear his explanation. I just wanted to get this dinner over with and leave.

Dinner passes by smoothly, Nick and I hardly say a word to each other. I knew he probably thought I was overreacting, but he didn't know the length of my contempt towards Audrey.

A little over an hour later, we all climb into the truck and head back to the house. Repeatedly, Nick tries to talk to me, but I shut him out, simply not wanting to hear it.

Once we reach my house again, my family exits the car quickly, I begin to follow, but Nick holds me back.

"Emily, what's wrong with Audrey texting me?" he asks, like it's the most innocent thing in the world.

I scoff, "As if you don't know."

"No, I don't. Care to enlighten me. All she was asking was if I was going to party and if she could come with me."

Hearing that made me even more angry. "Lovely, why don't you go to a party with her and ditch me. I mean since she spreads her legs for anything that has a dick. She's the biggest slut I know and my lovely boyfriend is busy fucking talking to her," with that I spin on my heel and begin walking up to my house.

I hear Nick groan and run to catch up with me. "Emily, please talk to me, please. I'm sorry," he pleads with me as we walk up the stairs.

I don't even bother looking at him. I hate her. I absolutely hater Audrey and my boyfriend is talking to her. Great. Just fucking great.

Upon opening the door I put on my perfected fake smile and waltz over to the chair in the living room. I try to make it obvious to Nick that he wasn't invited to sit with me, but he still manages to squeeze in next to me. I shoot him a death glare and he looks at me pleadingly.

"So, what are you two up to for the rest of the night," my mom asks as she walks into the living room.

Before I have a chance to answer, Nick answers for me, "We are going to go see a movie."

I look at him shocked. I knew he had done that on purpose, he knew me too well. He knew I wouldn't make a fool out of us in front of my parents.

"That sounds good! What movie and what time?"

"Yes, Nick, what movie and what time?" I smirk at him, expecting him to falter.

"The Delivery Man at 9:30," he says without hesitation. Damn you, I think and silently shoot him a mental thought, praying that maybe he got the message.

He didn't.

"Well it's 8:45, y'all should hit the road soon," my mom says before getting up and heading to the kitchen.

"We were just about to leave, thanks for dinner again," Nick calls after her. After she leaves, Nick grabs my hand and drags me out the door before I have a chance to protest.

Once seat belted in the car, I cross my arms and look out the window. "I'm pretty sure this is considered kidnapping," I mumble.

"Emily, I'm sorry, what do you want me to do?" he asks exasperated.

"Delete her number, and never text her again." I deadpanned.

"That's it?"

"Yes, I can't stand her. She's the one girl I will ever ask you to not talk to."

"Okay," he says, and pulls out his phone. Holding it in between us, he shows me that he's deleting her number. Within seconds her number was deleted from his phone.

"You did it?" I ask, a little in disbelief.

"Of course, I don't want to make you upset, Em," he says, still pleading.

"Okay," I sigh and continue to look out the window.

Minutes tick by as we drive to the movies. Silence still engulfing us.

"Emily, I need to say something. I can't just keep this in and I'm sorry if it upsets you," he begins.

I sigh, this is it, this is the end.

"Emily, this might ruin our relationship and I know it's only been a month that we've been dating, but I love you." The words hang in the air and snap my head and look at him.

The streetlights dance off his face as he waits for my reaction. I'm stunned. No one has ever told me that before.

Lost for words, I try to find some, this was nothing in my wildest dreams that I thought he would tell me.

"Nick, I don't know what to say. I don't know if I love you, maybe I do, I'm not sure yet," as the words pour from my mouth, I feel all my defenses starting to crumble down. He loves me, even though I'm a bitch and go crazy psycho on him.

"It's okay, Emily, I don't expect to hear it back from you," he smiles.

"Maybe you will, one day," I say, my eyes softening, even though I know he couldn't see me in the darkness.

Minutes later we pull into the parking lot and get our movie tickets. Entering the theater, we manage to find two seats in the packed theater. Quickly, we sit down and watch the movie begin.

I hardly pay attention to the movie, I'm too busy still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that he told me he loves me. Looking over at him, I take him in.

His eyes, his hair, the way he rests his hand on my leg. A butterfly feeling rose up in my stomach. Do I love him?

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