Why's He Chasing After Me?

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"It's like once you've been hurt, you're so scared to get attached again. Like you have this fear that every person you start to like is going to break your heart."

Chapter 8

After what happened yesterday, I didn't expect to ever hear from him again. Especially after the one worded texts I started getting from him last night. So why the hell did he snapchat me saying 'hey'?

I mean all last night, I was getting one worded answers from him. Including that dreaded "k" text. Ugh, boys.

Sneaking a peek to make sure no one is looking at me in the dark classroom, even though I sit in the back, I snapchat him back simply saying 'hi'.

Within seconds he snapchats me back, 'someone's looking pretty today'. I roll my eyes and snapchat him back, 'when am I not?'.

A few minutes later my screen flashes. It's a text from Nick.

Wanna meet before after fourth?

Sure, why not

Great, see you then gorgeous :)

I smile, maybe it would be nice to see him.

But as that thought came to my mind, another nagging thought came to my mind. Can I really be able to move on with another guy, if I still don't have complete closure from the last. Sure I feel something towards Nick, but I'm still hurting like hell because of Matt and I know a part of me still likes him. In a brief moment of confidence I send a text to Matt.

Hey, we need to talk. I deserve some closure so I can move on.

Okay, I'll call you on my way home from the barn today.

No, you're doing this to my face, haven't you done enough through text?

Okay, but idk when you want to do that, I leave tomorrow to head up to Greenville with my dad.

I don't need an explanation from you anymore, were not still dating, meet me before school, can you do that?

Yeah, okay, see ya then...

Well, this is going to be one interesting conversation, I think to myself as I lean back in my seat, waiting for the bell to ring.

Middle of Fourth Block

Hey, let's not meet after fourth block, sorry, I have rugby practice.

My heart sinks to my stomach seeing that text flash onto my screen.

Okay, that's fine, I text him back, even though it really wasn't.

I'm really sorry, I'll make it up to you I promise.

I roll my eyes at his text, he's a guy, they make empty promises. But just to humor him, I text him back.

Haha it's fine, but I'm going to hold you to that.

Three Hours Later...

Hey, rugby is over and I wanna see you, you wanna see me?

I smile at my phone and type back.

Sure! When? Where?

Getting dinner with Luke, and at your house around 7:15

Okay see ya!

I glance to see what time it was, 6:45. Better get going.

"Hey guys, I'm out of here!" I call out to the barn girls as I turn to flee to my car.

"Why the rush, got a hot date?" one of the girls calls out after me.

"Yes actually," I smirk even though they can't see it.

I drive home as fast as I dare go. Pulling into my driveway, I look at the clock, 7:00. He should be here in fifteen more minutes. I rush inside, I didn't have enough time to change and actually look presentable, so I reapply my makeup, put on more perfume, and run a brush through my hair.

By the time I make it down the stairs, I get a text from him saying he's here. I rush outside to see him parked in my driveway. I run down to his car and into the passenger seat. He envelopes me into a huge hug and plants a kiss on my forehead.

"So this is what you wear to ride in, hmm, I like it," he smirks.

I smack him playfully on the arm. This is going to be a good night.


Hey y'all so this is going to be the last chapter for a while, sorry it's so short, it's 1:30 a.m. here and I'm tired but I wanted to write this before this evening's past events finally register. I'll try to write the next chapter as soon as I can. Thanks for reading this!!

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