Movie Nights and Dinosaurs

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"She moved on, and I feel sorry for you, because she thought you were the most amazing boy ever. If she could have had any guy in the world, she still would have picked you. Now, you're just another part of her past, a memory more faded every day. And someday, she'll find the one she deserves, and he will make her the happiest girl in the world."

Chapter 10

"What the hell is all this?" I ask, walking in behind Nick into Luke's kitchen.

Luke looks at me, then Nick, "You didn't tell her?" Nick shakes his head. Luke looks at me again, "Well you chew this pill and it changes your taste buds. Makes everything that's usually sour, really sweet. Here, take one." He hands me the pill, I look at Nick, he nods at me to chew it, while he takes one of the pills himself. I shrug my shoulders and pop the pill in my mouth and chew. Nick and Luke chat, while I walk around the kitchen taking in my surrounding and thinking about the last thirty minutes.

Nick had picked me up at my house, but my parents insisted on meeting him, but unlike any other boy I brought home, they insisted that he sat down and chatted. Surprisingly, my parents didn't embarrass me, and even more surprisingly, Nick seemed totally cool with everything, didn't even seem very nervous either. He got along great with my parents and they seemed to like him.

The pill had dissolved, and I make my way back over to the two boys and the gourd of food on the counter for us to try with our now messed up taste buds.

I scour the assortment of food and pick my favorite candy. Sour Patch Kids. I pop a red Sour Patch Kid into my mouth, being use to the typical sourness of the candy, the sweetness the enveloped my mouth made me want to spit the candy out. Not at all what I was expecting. Crinkling my nose and the corners of my mouth turning downward, I try to get use to the unusual sweetness of the candy. Luke and Nick are doubled over with laughter because of my lovely facial expression. I shoot them both a glare causing them to instantly shut up.

"I think I'm good with just trying that," I say walking away from the foods. They just laugh some more before trying the rest of the food that was laid out on the counter. When they were finished, they put everything back, while I 'supervised' and held a lively conversation with Luke's mom about riding.

"Okay, mom, stop gossiping and we are gonna steal Emily back, okay?" Luke says, while Nick motions me to come over. I jump off the counter and slide right next to him. He places a quick kiss on my forehead before following Luke downstairs to the furnished garage/man cave.


"But I HATE Mexican food," I complain as all three of us try to decide what we want for dinner.

"I'm with her, I don't like Mexican food either," Nick shoots me a smile as he lays his head down in my lap. I run my fingers through his hair while I stare at Luke waiting for his idea.

"Well, what about fast food or something?" Luke offers.

"NO!" Nick and I exclaim, shooting him an exasperated look.

Just as Luke was about to argue back his mom shows up in the doorway, clearing her throat, we all turn and look at her, "I have gift cards to Carrabba's if y'all want them?"

"Oh my gosh yes! I love Italian!" I shout.

"Me too!" Nick adds in. Luke just shrugs his shoulders and takes the gift cards from his mom.

"Thanks mom," Luke says while shuffling past her and to his car.

"Thank you!" Nick and I both say as we follow Luke out to his car.

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