So Much for a Break

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"The greatest weakness of most humans is their hesitancy to tell others how they love them while they're still alive."
~Optimus Prime

Chapter 20

Things were tense between us for weeks. Neither one of us could say something without the other one snapping at the other. It was like walking on a minefield around one another. Stressful and destroying. We were at our wits end.

I'm coming over. We need to talk.

I groan at the text I just received from Nick. I really didn't want to talk to him, especially after the fight we just got into. He probably just wants to break up with me. At least he has the balls to do it to my face.

I pace my living room, waiting for him to show up. Minutes tick by, feeling like hours, the uneasiness growing in my stomach. What seems like hours later I get another text.


Composing myself, I throw my shoulders back and confidently walk out of my house and to his car. I would not show him weakness.

I slide into the passenger seat, neither of us speak or look at each other. I don't know what to say, or where to start. It's all up to him now.

"What the hell were you thinking?" his voice rises with each word. "No, I'll tell you what happened. You're being a fucking selfish bitch. You're 17, grow the hell up."

I flinch at his words and look out the window. I will not cry. No matter how hurtful his words are, I will not cry.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you!" he roars.

Hesitantly, I turn to look at him. Finding my voice, I grow more upset with each word that flows from my mouth, "Selfish? Really? You really want to talk about selfish? Selfish, says the guy who can't ever be bothered to do anything nice for his girlfriend or friends or family. And I'm a hell of a lot more mature than you are."

He sighs, "We can't keep doing this, fighting all the time. Both of us can't take it anymore. And honestly I need a break from you, and get my thoughts straight."

I bite my lip, "Do you even love me anymore?"

He hits the wheel, "I don't fucking know anymore."

I try not to cry, but one tear betrays me. I look away. "What do you want?"

"Let's take a break, and go from there. We both need it. We will go out Friday and eat, discuss where to go from there. Okay?"

I agree. "See you Friday."

"Goodnight Em."


I wake up, and for once I don't have to worry about a text from Nick. I smile, it was good to be stress free. I get ready, not once looking at my phone to see if he texted me. This whole 'break' thing was going to be perfect.

I drive to school with a smile plastered to my face. Today was going to be a good day.

I walk into advisement, a grin still plastered to my face. Taking my seat, I sip on my Starbucks drink and scroll through twitter, waiting for the bell to ring.

The bell rings, and my teacher waltzes into class, speaking rapid Spanish. We all stare at her with blank stares, since most of us are taking French.

She claps her hands together-the way that teachers always do-,"Class," she says in her heavy Spanish accent, "I'm about to pass out report cards. Hopefully non you you flunked, that would be very bad."

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