Bros Before Hoes...Didn't Know I Was A Hoe?

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"But life, if nothing else, had taught her promises weren't always to be counted on, and what appeared at first a shining chance might end in bitter disappointment."

Chapter 22

I stand in Nick's kitchen, stunned. It was Valentine's Day, the most hated holiday, and I was just informed that Nick's most beloved dog was having seizures and was most likely going to have to be put down.

I watch Nick walk around as if he's in a trance. It was like he was seeing right through everything. I had no idea what to say or do; I wasn't good at this shit. This wasn't my forte, especially when you see the guy you're used to seeing be so strong, crumble. I wanted to be there for him, but I didn't know how.

"Your flowers are over there," he waves his hand over to the gorgeous white roses.

"Thank you, they're beautiful," my voice comes out in a whisper.

"Sorry, I lost the card." he says, before turning to the fridge. We continue the morning in silence.

Eventually, Nick finds the will to part with his dog and get into the car. The drive to school was in total silence. I place my hand on his leg and he covers my hand, but looks out the window.

Not being able to stand the silence any longer, I find my voice. "I'm so sorry, I wish I knew what to say, but I don't."

He just looks at me, his eyes holding no life. "It's okay." And then he looks back out the window. I gulp. This was not the Valentine's Day I was expecting.


Hey babe, it's me Nick. Garrett and I left school. I just can't be here right now. Come see me after school. Happy Valentine's Day, I love you.

I stare at the text for a good 10 minutes. He has got to be kidding. Last time him and Garrett hung out, he got Nick high as a kite.

Tell Garrett that if he lets you do anything stupid, his head will be on a platter. Don't be stupid. I'll come by later, love you.

Putting my phone up, I place my head in my hands. This was just begging for trouble.


I pull into Nick's driveway, instantly I see him and Garrett sitting on the bed of Garrett's truck with something white in their hands. This can't be good.

Getting out of my car, I stroll over to the two. "What are you guys doing?" I ask slowly.

"We're going to snort some coke!" Garrett states proudly, pouring the white powder onto the side of his truck.

I turn to look at Nick. "What the hell, Nick?"

He just shrugs his shoulders, "You just said not to smoke or drink, this isn't either of those."

Furious, I throw the brownie that's in my hand at his face. "Ow! What the fuck was that for?"

"For being an idiot!" I scream. By this time Garrett is howling with laughter.

"I wasn't going to snort it! Only Garrett was," Nick tries to defend himself.

"Now you tell me after I wasted a perfectly good brownie!" I shout at him.

"A perfectly good brownie? That brownie was as hard as a rock."

"So, it was still good," I pout. Nick just rolls his eyes.

"Well, Emily, do you want to snort it," Garrett asks, while rolling his money up.

I look between him and Nick. I know I probably shouldn't, but I wanted so badly to defy Nick. Show Nick that he doesn't own me, that I can do whatever the hell I want.

"I don't know, how do I do it?" I ask cautiously, stepping towards him.

"Just put this," he waves the rolled money, "along the line of coke and snort it up."

Against my better judgement, I step closer to it. Looking between him and the coke, I come to a decision. "I don't know, I don't think I will."

By now, both Garrett and Nick are howling with laughter. "I don't get it, what's so funny?" I ask confused.

Between fits of laughter Nick manages to get out, "Because it's flour."

Realizing I had been pranked, I grab the pieces of brownie that were leftover from when I threw it at Nick the first time-thankfully it had only broken into two large pieces-and I chuck one piece at Nick's face and the other at Garrett's face.

"Hey!" they both exclaim.

"Fuck you guys both."

"You can fuck me any day," Garrett winks. Nick just shoots him a dirty glare and Garrett just shrugs.

Nick comes over and kisses me, "Hey, after practice, you and me will go out to dinner, okay?"

"Okay, have fun."

He kisses me and I walk back to my car and go get ready.


Hey, I'm sorry, but I can't do it tonight. We're fine.

I stare at the text like it was sent from the devil. How dare he. I dial his number, fury engulfing any rational thoughts.

He answers on the last ring.

"What the hell Nick!" I scream into the phone.

"Sorry, I just don't think I want to do dinner with you. That and Garrett and I are still out and we're gonna go out to dinner."

"So you fucking tell me to go get ready. You tell me to find a place and shit. Just to ditch me for your friends?"

"Yeah, pretty much basically."

"You fucking dick! It's Valentine's Day!"

I hear silence on the other end of the phone.

"I'm sorry Em, but I'm just gonna hang out with the guys tonight."

I'm shocked. "I fucking hate you." I hang up the phone and grab my keys and go out for a long drive.


One more chapter and an epilogue then it's over guys! finally! and to be honest, me and him did go out to dinner that night, with his friends, but after that he ditched me to go see a movie with his friends. Which his friends invited me to but he didn't want me to go. Lovely boyfriend, right? But I didn't have the motivation to write that all down. So yeah. It's almost over thank goodness!

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