Alternate Ending

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A/N: Hey guys. So I decided to put an alternate ending to this. It was originally supposed to be the real ending. But let's just say a said someone canceled because they were to scared to see me and he said, and I quote "I don't want to reignite the flame of our love or friendship." Whatever that means. But I decided to put the alternate ending. So thanks again for reading this, it means the world to me. Please please go check out my other ones, it would mean the world to me.
Thanks! Xoxo

"There's no love like the first."
~Nicholas Sparks

"He smiles at me, and I am suddenly seventeen again - the year I realize that love doesn't follow the rules, the year I understood that nothing is worth having so much as something unattainable"
~Jodi Picoult

"What's the greatest chapter in your book? Are there pages where it hurts to look? What's the one regret you can't work through? You got it baby, mine would be you, yeah you got it baby, mine would be you. Mine would be you, taillights fading, daylight breaking. Standing there like a fool, when I should've been running, yellin' out something to make you wanna hold on to the best love ever. Girl, can you tell me the one thing you'd rather die than lose? Cause mine would be you, mine would be you, you."
~Blake Shelton

Alternative Ending: Epilogue

A few months later...

I swipe the Chanel lip gloss across my lips as a finishing touch. Looking in the mirror, I give myself a glance over. I look good, if I say so myself.

Running down the stairs, I grab my purse and keys, and head out the door. All my family had left for my brother's hockey game, so there was no need to say anything about where I am going. That and I didn't need a lecture.

My hands are shaking as I reach my car door. Taking a second to breathe and calm my nerves, I open the door and sit down.

Just before I start the car, I send him a text.

On my way.

It's only a matter of minutes until he responds.

I'm almost there.

Smiling, I start the car and pull out of the drive way.

As I hit the highway outside my neighborhood, I turn on the radio.

What's the greatest chapter in your book?

Are there pages where it hurts to look?

What's the one regret you can't work through?

You got it baby, mine would be you

Yeah you got it baby, mine would be you.

Our song is playing. Coincidence? I think not. I turn the radio up a bit louder and think back to all of our memories.

Him teaching me how to dance on the beach.

Taking me downtown for swing dancing.

Watching a movie be filmed.

Being pushed into bushes.

Watching the stars.

The bouquets of flowers he'd bring me just cause.

Him telling me goodbye.

Me realizing I loved him, just a little too late.

The parking garage.

My birthday dinner.

Our first time hanging out.

The four a.m. phone calls.

The show.

The nights spent in the bed of his pickup.

Everything a girl could dream of. It was like a good romance movie, where the two lovers meet up again after all these years. Except it's only been a few months.

I pull into the Barnes and Noble parking lot. Stepping out of my car, I prepare myself for what is about to take place. I am still not completely sure if I am ready to handle this all just yet.

Taking a deep breath, I pull open the door. I don't see him. Did he stand me up? I knew he would.

My entire soul just crashes. This is what I get for getting my hopes up. Just another broken heart by him.

I get in line to order a drink from the Starbucks there.

"One grande iced chai, please," I tell the barista.

"That will be $4.35."

I go to grab my wallet when a hand reaches past me with a five dollar bill.

"I got you covered," a voice that belongs to the hand says.

I know that voice.

I spin around and come face to face with him.

A wide smile expands across my face.


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