So Much For Closure

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"It wasn't closure, really. But I'd said the right things. I'd hit on some truths. Maybe some things didn't get closure. Maybe some things weren't really worth it, or didn't really need it, and after a while the unimportance would become obvious."
-Vee Hoffman

Chapter 9

Hey, I woke up late, so I don't think I'll be making it to school on time, sorry, reschedule for another time?

That son of a bitch. It's not even freaking 7:20, how the hell would he be late. That I don't get. I slam my curling iron down on the counter and turn it off. That freaking asshole.

Really? How convenient for you.

I shove my phone into my pocket, grab my backpack and keys and head out the door without muttering even a 'goodbye' to my parents. They were used to my foul moods in the morning.

I drive out of my neighborhood at break neck speed and in a blind rage. I don't know what was consuming me, all I knew was that I was beyond pissed and it was all directed at Matt.

Whipping into my parking a spot, I text Lexie letting her know I'm here. I drum my fingers on the steering wheel and focus on my breathing until I see Lexie opening the door, along with another girl, Sophie, I think her name is. Supposedly Sophie has a crush on Matt and she's also good friends with him. Great, just great.

"So, are you still meeting up with Matt?" Lexie asks.

"Hah, no. That pathetic coward, dumps me through text, and then he can't even talk to my face," I bite out drily, still working on my breathing.

Sophie, then decides it would be a brilliant time to chirp in, "Well, having worked with him, he's always been a coward. That's just part of who he is."

"Great, so I dated a coward. Awesome."

"Well, did you ever hear about the other Emily?" Sophie asks.

"Yeah, she lives up in Pennsylvania, they're just friends." I say the last part maybe too quickly.

Sophie smirks, "Friends my ass, he went up there to 'visit' her. They're pretty close from what I hear."

"Lovely." My anger towards him increasing with every new detail that's arising.

"There's something else Emily, Rawleigh didn't want me to tell you, but I think you have a right to know," Lexie interjects quietly. Sophie and I turn to face her. Taking that as a sign, Lexie continues, "Rawleigh heard that one of Matt's friends, who's a girl, was getting upset that Matt was spending all his time with you and that he broke up with you because of that." Upon seeing my expression, she adds, "I don't know if it's true, but that's what I heard."

Ouch. That hurt. A lot. Why break up with me because some girl is jealous. What the hell.

"Umm Emily, hate to break your thoughts, but isn't that his truck?" Lexie points out. I look up, it is, I glance at the time 8:17, we had time to talk. I would be late to class if I had to, to get this talk in with him.

All three of us climb out of the car. Sophie and Lexie walk away from my car as quickly as possible. Did it get a little cold out? No, that was just me becoming the ruthless Ice Queen I become when I've passed the 'pissed-off' exit, a few exits back. Matt notices me leaning against my car when he pulls into his conveniently assigned parking spot, behind my car. I push myself away from my car and see him take a deep breath before him and his friend climb out of the car, but unlike my friends, giving us the space we need, his friend leans on the bed of his truck and gives me a stare-down. I match his stare-down with an icy look from me.

"Emily, how are you doing?" Matt asks, his voice sounding genuine, which surprised me but I covered it quickly.

I scoff, "How am I doing? Hmm let's see, I'm doing pretty well considering my boyfriend dumped me through text, and being told that there's another girl involved. What the fuck, Matt!" I notice his eyes are looking anywhere but my face, that pissed me off even more. "Hey, Matt, yoohoo, my eyes are right here, wanna try looking at me in the eye?"

Matt's eyes snap to mine, and what I see in them sends me reeling. There's genuine hurt in his eyes, hurt, pain, just seem to all mix his eyes. That shoots a pain straight through my heart, but I hold my ground.

"Emily, there is no other girl, it was only you, that much you need to believe me, I only had eyes for you." he says, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Okay, well then why tell me you want to stay with me for a while, and that you never wanted to lose a girl like me, just to dump me pretty much the next day?"

"I don't know, I'm a guy, we say stuff, and I meant it, but then...I don't know..." he trails off, his eyes searching mine.

I knew what he just told me was a lie, I could see it, but there was no use in trying to call him out on it. "HAHAHA okay." I bite back at him sarcastically. I push past him and head to the school. I thought I heard someone faintly say my name, but I wasn't sure, so I kept walking. And I try to ignore the fact that he wasn't doing anything to try and stop me.


Hey, so I lied, I updated again, kind of in a very creative mood this morning, but only running on four hours of sleep. That and since this chapter is all about Matt, I felt that I could do this one since nowhere does it mention my ex. Sorry that it's short, but it was kind of a crucial chapter I needed, and you will see why later in this book. Thank you!

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