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After what feels like a lifetime of being led through the hallways, we finally stop at a single door. The guard to my left enters a code into the keypad on the wall and the door slowly opens. What I see is nightmare fuel and almost makes me vomit.

A chair sits in the middle of the room mounted to the floor and with iron cuffs on the armrests. It isn't the chair itself that is so horrifying, but what surrounds the chair. Large tube looking cages each containing a dead body line the walls of the circular room.

I knew those people. All of my friends, even the ones I haven't talked to in years, are dead and in this room. My mother is here. Cara is here. I frantically look around the room, not wanting to see the person I came here to save. My little sister is not here. I don't know if that is good or bad. Maybe they let her go. Maybe someone helped her escape. Maybe she is dead.

The guards lead me to the chair. They lock the iron cuffs around my wrists. I am going to die. There is no escaping it now. They are going to kill me while I am surrounded by the dead bodies of my friends and family. Whoever thought of this must be one messed up alien.

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