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Today, Jade approached me.

"Hey," she said.

"You know my brother and the 'girl' had a fight today," 

"Why?" I asked, curiously.

"Brother accidentally hit her head with a ball, and the 'girl' was all like so annoyed about it that she flipped her hair in front of him." Jade replied, rolling her eyes.

Deep inside myself, I thought to myself, 'Yes! I finally have my chance back. I can still hope in having 'him'!' 

"So, right now, they're ignoring each other. Bleh." Jade said, rolling her eyes one more time. 

"Well that was too dramatic," I replied. "Sheesh."

"IKR." Jade replied rolling her eyes for the 3rd time. 

The good news here now is that I have my chance back. My chance to hope. My chance to reach 'him'. My CHANCE, Y'ALL!

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