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Taehyung and Hoseok have been best friends for as long as they could remember. They grew up doing everything together. They knew each other like the back of their hand but one thing Taehyung didn't know about the elder by a year was that he was bullied and abused at home.

Hoseok didn't know why his parents didn't like him at a young age, all he knew was that it was all his fault. Always has been and always will be. He'd apologise every time they'd beat him but that only made them increase their abuse making him silent over the years.

When he was younger his parents would dress him in clothes that will cover all his bruises so no one would get suspicious until he was old enough to dress himself.

Even though Hoseok's body was littered with painful bruises he'd never complain because it was his fault anyway, it was his punishment.

He'd greet Taehyung with a bright smile every time he saw him and Taehyung would always hug Hoseok a little too tight out of habit but Hoseok never complained and only hugged the younger back. They were so close that skin ship didn't mean anything to them. They grew up wrapping their arms around each other's waist or shoulders. To others it might've seemed weird but to them it was normal and even though he was going through abuse at home he would be happy. Because Taehyung made him happy, and he soon realised that he fell in love with the younger.

He remembered the first time when he got bullied. He was just heading to the bathroom during a lesson when a certain kid pushed him him against the bathroom wall. Hoseok was unsure what to do at the time he just questioned his bully and his group of friends but only got a punch in the face.

"You're a fag aren't you? With that Taehyung kid?" The slightly taller boy snarled making Hoseok shake his head "n-no, I'm not gay!"

"That's a lie, it's written all of you!" The boy laughed and landed a blow to Hoseok's gut making Hoseok gasp for air but the boy didn't let him recover. He moved back and let his friends beat Hoseok to a pulp. By the time they were done with him Hoseok was barely conscious. He fought through the pain and used the wall to support himself up. Freshening himself up he went back to class and continued on the day like nothing ever happened, even when Taehyung kept questioning him about his limp.

Once he got home that day Hoseok silently made his way upstairs but was pulled roughly back by the back of his t-shirt causing him to fall down the few steps he had climbed. Hoseok groaned in pain when a wound on his back hit the floor "we haven't even touched you yet! Why are you complaining?!" Hoseok flinched when his dad shouted and roughly stomped on his stomach causing him to gasp for air for the second time that day.

"S-sorry" Hoseok apologised "I'm s-sorry, I'm sorry" Hoseok repeated over and over again but neither of his parents heard him. They kept beating him until he was numb.

That's how most days went by after that but even through all the abuse Hoseok had Taehyung so he kept smiling and being happy.

That was until Hoseok was 12. They were hanging out in Taehyung's room, cuddled up on his bed. They talked about nothing until Taehyung asked a question that caught Hoseok off guard.

" you love someone?" Taehyung asked hesitantly as he turned his head to look at the elder. Hoseok was hesitant at first but nodded "really? Who?" Taehyung asked as he turned around fully to face him.

"Er... Erm..." Hoseok bit his lip and looked down. He only looked up out of surprise when Taehyung climbed on his lap " any it..." Taehyung leaned closer by each word until their lips brushed "" Hoseok could only nod slightly in response before Taehyung crashed his lips onto Hoseok's.

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