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Hoseok woke up the next morning to find himself resting in Taehyung's arms. His head resting on his chest. Smiling he snuggled closer and nuzzled against him. The memories from yesterday played across his mind, letting out a soft sigh he stared ahead of him. Soon after that sigh escaped his lips he felt fingers running through his hair "mm m...morning Hoseok."

"Morning" Hoseok said quietly as he looked up at him.

"What's wrong?"

"Just yesterday...playing through my mind..." Hoseok sighed softly as he hid hid his face in Taehyung's neck. The younger of the two wrapped his arms securely around Hoseok's small frame "I...I think I'll talk to him today..."

"Yeah?" Taehyung said as he still kept a hand lightly running through his fingers. Hoseok hummed with a nod as a reply "do we have dance tutoring later today?" Hoseok mumbled into Taehyung's chest.

"Mm we do...but we don't have to." Taehyung kissed the top of his head. He knows he shouldn't because Hoseok isn't his...but he hopes he will be soon.

" need the practice." Hoseok insisted. He was about to get up but got a text from the college saying he was on study leave for the day considering the teachers he had in the lessons were either on a trip, dealing with person business or they're ill.

"Who was that?" Taehyung asked when Hoseok snuggled back into his arms "college...I've got today off basically."

"Yeah we get to cuddle till 12" Taehyung smiled as Hoseok pouted "why till 12?"

"I have a lesson at 12:50 that's why" Taehyung chuckled as Hoseok kept pouting. Oh how badly Taehyung wanted to kiss his pout away "12 isn't that bad, what time is it now? It's...8:34" Taehyung said after checking his phone.

"I guess" Hoseok mumbled as he hid his face in Taehyung's chest. The two remained on Hoseok's couch cuddling until Taehyung really had to get up and get dressed. He made sure Hoseok had all his medicine before leaving. Right now Hoseok was sitting on the couch staring at his hands as he thought but today wasn't so bad because for the first time in ages he didn't hear voices. So he decided to take a walk.

Hoseok was walking near a cafe, and decided to get a drink as he's nearby. He was in line looking at the menu deciding on what to get.

Someone bumped into him quite harshly causing him to fall, he felt something hot on his top that burnt him slightly, looking at his top it was drenched in coffee "you idiot! Watch where you're going!" A harsh voice yelled which made Hoseok immediately apologise "I-I'm sorry." Hoseok whimpered, the person scoffed "s-sorry?! You owe me a coffee!"

Hoseok nodded as he shook visibly "I-I will." He could feel eyes on him and he hated it. He carefully got up as he ignored the hot coffee stinging his skin. Keeping his eyes on the floor he got up in line again "w-what did you order?"

"Yah you can't even look at me and talk after what you did?" The person scoffed as Hoseok apologised again with a bow. He hesitantly looked up at the person's face. He looked familiar and that scared Hoseok, however the person smirked "my my...look who it is...the little faggot."

"Y-Yongguk?" Hoseok's eyes widened in fear.

"Awh you haven't changed one bit." He grinned "get me my coffee and we can catch up." Hoseok shivered at the tone and looked back down. Quietly he got Yongguk's coffee and passed it to him. He was about to leave when he felt a strong grip on his wrist. "Where do you think you're going freak?"

"N-nowhere." Hoseok whispered as he got dragged to a table with four other guys on it.

"Who's this?" He heard someone say as he stared at the table top.

"The freak - Jung Hoseok." He could hear the grin in Yongguk's voice.

"He hasn't got any prettier." He heard one of them snort.

"If anything he's uglier." He heard another laugh.

"Why'd you let him sit with us?"

"So we can have some fun later on." Yongguk grinned as he took a sip of his coffee. Hoseok shook when he heard him "he knew what 'fun' meant and he dreaded it. He looked left and right and when he saw a way he could escape he took his chances. Unfortunately he wasn't lucky. Yongguk had a extremely tight grip on his wrist that it was painful "where you going you fag?"

"N-Nowhere..." Hoseok whispered.

"You're going to get punished for attempting what you did." Yongguk growled lowly. Hoseok gulped.

The next few minutes? Hours? Hoseok doesn't know what time it is all he knows it was a blur and his body was screaming in pain. His vision blurred and his head stung as he tried getting up on shaky legs when they left. He picked his phone up from the floor, it took him a while for his eyes to focus on the screen but when they did he was faced with 15 missed calls from Taehyung and 37 texts. Hoseok didn't deserve to talk to anyone after what he went through. Sliding his phone in his pocket he carefully made his way back to the dorms. He tried not to limp and he kept looking down so people won't notice his face.

He fumbled in his pockets for the key when he got back, struggling with the lock for a few minutes he managed to open it. "Hoseok? Where were you?!" Hoseok jumped out of the skin and kept looking down as he locked the door "went to g-get some coffee."

"That's a blatant lie Hoseok, its 10pm the cafe closes at 6. Where were you?"

"I guess I g-got lost when w-walking back..." Hoseok said as he kept looking down and facing the door.

"Hoseok...look at me." the said boy shook his head "how'd y-you get in here?"

"Found a spake key under the mat now look at me." Hoseok shook his head but this time Taehyung took a hold of wrist and spun him around forcefully. Hoseok whimpered in pain from the sudden motion and his wrist. Taehyung's eyes widened when he saw his state. Gently he lifted Hoseok's chin up "who did this to you...?" He whispered softly as his fingers lightly touched his darkening eye and the bruises littering his face "n-no one..I got j-jumped on my way b-back." Hoseok said quietly.

Taehyung sighed and took a hold of Hoseok's hand "come on let's get you cleaned up." Hoseok silently let Taehyung lead him to the bathroom.

"It's going to sting a bit." Hoseok hissed quietly as soon as Taehyung said that. Taehyung dabbed a bit more as he cleaned Hoseok's wounds. After a while of hissing and stinging Hoseok was clean and in his pj's and most importantly, to Hoseok anyways, he was in Taehyung's arms on his bed. With one hand the brunette carded his fingers through the other's hair; relaxing him completely. Taehyung's sweet yet manly scent tingled his nose as he cuddled up to him. Despite the soreness of his body Hoseok felt happy. He looked up at Taehyung whose eyes were closed. Hoseok admired Taehyung's features and when Taehyung was about to open his eyes to stare back at the other Hoseok's phone went off signalising he got a text. Being lazy Hoseok stretched for his phone. For the nth time that day Hoseok's eyes grew in size as he saw the text.

Unknown: it's me Yongguk, don't you dare tell anyone about today unless you want to get taught a lesson. Also if I text you to meet me or the others you do it. No questions you just do it or we'll hunt you down and make sure to hurt you so bad that you wish you were dead.

"Who is it?" Taehyung's voice entered his ears "n-no one important...wrong n-number." Hoseok mumbled as he put his phone on mute before cuddling onto Taehyung. "Araso..." Taehyung resumed to running his fingers through Hoseok's hair. The action helped calm him down a lot that he let his eyes flutter close.

AN: yep Yongguk and his gang is back, wonder how Hoseok will handle? I think this book might come to an end soon I'm not sure yet

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