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It was his usual mentoring session with Kim Taehyung, Hoseok tried his hardest to focus but he just couldn't. He didn't want to go to the doctor's, he was perfectly fine.

"I think we should stop." Taehyung stopped Hoseok's line of thought.

"Oh no no, our time's not-"

"Let's stop and talk for the rest of the time because you clearly aren't paying attention." Taehyung went to sit against the mirror with bottle in hand.

Hoseok sighed softly and followed after him "what are you thinking about then?"

"Jungkook booked me a appointment at the doctors later today" another sigh escaped his lips "I don't need to go."

"Hyung...as much as I hate saying it, he's only doing what's best for you, it's just a check up anyways" Taehyung patted his leg.

Hoseok nodded "that's true..."

Taehyung smiled and took a sip from his water bottle "tell me how it goes."


"At the table tomorrow at lunch or text me?"

"I don't have your number..."

"Oh! I'll give it to you" Taehyung smiled and got up to go to his school bag, getting a pen out he made his way back over and sat back down. Without question Taehyung took Hoseok's hand in his and wrote his number on the back of his hand "there you go! Text me okay?"

"O-okay" Hoseok nodded "Er Taehyung?"


"Is this really how we are now?"

"What do you mean?" Taehyung tilted his head.

"From best friends to strangers then to whatever this is." Hoseok gestured between the two of them.

"You forgot lovers" Taehyung chuckled softly "...I guess...we're just new friends that need to get to know each other again..." Hoseok let out a hum "what's your favourite colour, friend?" Taehyung looked over at him with a smile.

Hoseok let out a laugh before responding "green, black and white, what about yours friend?" Hoseok ignored his heart beating increasing when Taehyung would smile at him, he ignored how his heart fluttered when Taehyung laughed and he ignored how butterflies erupted in his stomach when Taehyung held his hand. He ignored everything that made him realise that he was deep in love with Kim Taehyung.

"Hobi hyung~" Jungkook's voice called out, preventing the two boys from conversing with each other further.

"Give me a second" Hoseok responded as he got up to put everything in his bag.

Jungkook's smile faltered when he saw Taehyung but nonetheless he remained polite "how was dance practice?"

"It was alright, Hoseok's a great teacher." Taehyung smiled back.

"He is, one of the best dancers in the whole college."

"Figured that out."

"If they had him as a mentor and got rid of him they would be the most idiotic person in the whole entire universe, don't you agree?"

Taehyung knew the hidden meaning between those words and gave him a half smile "...I agree."

When Hoseok was done with his bag he turned back around to feel the tension in the room "ah, we should all go...I need to lock the door.."

Taehyung only nodded and got up to get his bag "see you around Hoseok, and nice talking to you Jungkook." Taehyung tried to make the last bit sound remotely nice.

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