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Warning: Not proof read :)
Hoseok was happy, he was finally getting discharged today. He hated hospitals. They scared him.

"Do you think Yoongi hyung will be okay with me staying at the dorms with you two for a bit?" Jungkook asked as he wrapped his arms around Hoseok's waist "I'm sure he'll be fine with it."

Jungkook hummed and paid for the taxi they took back to the dorms. He lead Hoseok to his dorm room and opened the door for him it was all dark. He felt Jungkook's arms around his waist disappear "K-Kookie?" Silence. Hoseok was scared now he used the wall for guidance as he felt for the switch. Hoseok sighed in relief when he found it and flicked it on.


Hoseok jumped out of his skin before laughing "wow...you guys didn't have to do this" Hoseok smiled as in the middle of the room stood 5 of his closest friends.

"But we wanted to! Jungkook told us how much you hated hospitals, so we made you a surprise party!" Jimin ran over and hugged onto Hoseok.

You honestly didn't have to

"Thank you" Hoseok smiled.

"You're welcome!" Jimin's eyes turned into crescents "Jin hyung made so much food just for you~."

Why? All this food is just going to make me fatter.

"Thank you, I appreciate it."

"You're welcome, I hope you like it, well I think you will Taehyung helped me" Jin smiled as Taehyung came out of his hiding spot from behind Jin. Jungkook tensed up.

Hoseok let out a small smile when he saw him "thank you Taehyung."

Taehyung only smirked "you're welcome Hoseokie hyung" Taehyung winked which only Hoseok caught.

Jungkook didn't want to ruin the mood so he didn't call Taehyung out. Instead he gave him a glare and continued with the party like nothing ever happened but Taehyung saw it and Hoseok noticed but apart from that the welcome home party went smoothly.

It helped Hoseok escape his thoughts as he mingled with the others "ah Yoongi hyung!" Hoseok called out when he saw him, the mint haired male turned around with a bottle of alcohol in hand "..are you drunk..?"

"No not yet" Yoongi said, Hoseok raised a eyebrow "are you sure?"

"Positive" Yoongi hummed "what do you want..?"

"Can erm can Jungkook stay with us for a few days?" Hoseok asked hesitantly, he started playing with his hands when all Yoongi did was stare at him. It took a good minute before he got a reply "sure as long as he isn't loud and he doesn't touch my things." Yoongi said before taking a sip. Hoseok nodded "t-thanks!"

Hoseok went over to Jungkook who was sitting on the couch, Jungkook smiled and patted his lap when he saw him, smiling back Hoseok situated himself on Jungkook's lap "hyung said it's okay for you to stay over for a few days."

Jungkook smiled and kissed the top of his head "good I can help my baby get better."

Hoseok raised a eyebrow "what do you mean?"

Jungkook rubbed Hoseok's side softly "I...I know you lied to me... you did remember everything."

Hoseok looked down ashamed "I'm sorry...h-how'd you find out...?"

"I saw on your report as I left, and as I was leaving I asked the doctor. He said you did" Jungkook sighed softly "I-I'm sorry Jungkook..." Hoseok whispered "I d-didn't want you to be disappointed or s-sad that I remembered a-anything..."

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