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"Hobi hyung, you'll be a good mentor" Jungkook said encouragingly as he gave him a hug "text me when you're done or reached the dorms, okay?" Jungkook pulled away slightly so he could look at Hoseok's face.

"O-okay" Hoseok nodded with a smile and kept his arms wrapped around Jungkook for a second longer before pulling away.

Jungkook smiled back and pecked Hoseok's lips before walking backwards and waving "I'll talk to you later, don't forget to text me!"

Hoseok laughed softly "I will!" Hoseok watched the younger's retreating body before going in the dance studio for him and the person he has to mentor.

Hoseok checked if the sound system worked when the door opened "oh... Hoseok hyung... Am I in the wrong room?"

Hoseok looked up to see that Taehyung kid come inside "oh hi erm it depends are you here for one on one dancing lessons?" Hoseok asked to which Taehyung nodded making Hoseok smile "well then, I'm glad I get to mentor someone I know at least...kind of."

"Yeah" Taehyung smiled back.

"How come you want to dance though? Don't you do acting?" Hoseok questioned and Taehyung nodded again but tilted his head to the side "how do you know?"

"Ah Kookie told me, anyway we should start we only have a hour and a half." Hoseok said as he walked over to start the music and Taehyung nodded again.

Hoseok danced first to show Taehyung what he'll be teaching him. Taehyung was mesmerised looking at him dance, out of all the years he knew Hoseok he didn't know he was that good of a dancer. Let alone knowing he enjoyed dancing that much. But yet again as Taehyung was thinking was thinking about he doesn't remember ever asking Hoseok. Especially when they had that specific conversation.

"Hyung?" A 8 year old Taehyung called out as he laid down on the couch to rest his head on his lap "yes TaeTae?"

"I realised what I want to be when I'm older!" Taehyung's square smile was clear in view "really? What do you want to be?" Taehyung's smile as always reflected on Hoseok's face "I want to do something in acting too but I mainly want to be a singer!"

"A singer?" Hoseok questioned "how come?"

"I like singing and I like how you can express yourself when you sing, it gets me all excited thinking about me singing on stage, letting out my emotions that people could relate to. Doesn't it fascinate you?"

"It does" Hoseok smiled and ran his fingers through Taehyung's hair "I can't wait to see you on stage singing your heart out." Taehyung's smile grew and hugged onto the older's waist.

That's right. He never asked Hoseok what he wanted to do or be but soon enough Hoseok's voice broke Taehyung's chain of thought "so you got what we're going to do?"

"Huh? Oh er yeah" Taehyung nodded making Hoseok smile again "good so this is how we..." Hoseok started teaching and demonstrating step after step for Taehyung which he followed.

"You're actually really good" Hoseok complimented when they were done for the day "why thank you" Taehyung said after taking another big sip out of his water bottle.

The two stayed silent as Taehyung caught his breath more "Hoseok hyung?" Taehyung called out after a while "yeah?" Hoseok looked up at the younger from his phone.

Taehyung waited before speaking again which made Hoseok slightly uncomfortable.

"Y-you really don't remember me?"

Hoseok blinked at the younger "should I?"

Something snapped in Taehyung. How could he not remember him? How could Hoseok easily forget him?!

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