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"I'm serious it's a long story..."

"Like I said before, I've got time" Taehyung responded.

Jungkook took a deep breath in before speaking "well I met Hobi when I was 12 so I don't know firsthand but I know he had a crappy childhood from reading his notebook when I was younger."

"You read his notebook?" Taehyung raised a eyebrow up to which Jungkook nodded to "but he found out and we had a conversation about it." Taehyung nodded and gestured for Jungkook to continue.

Jungkook took another deep breath in, he explained to Taehyung how he met Hoseok and how Hoseok started living with him and his family.

It's been six months since Hoseok started living with them and 12 year old Jungkook couldn't be any happier. He loved having Hoseok around, he finally had a older brother even though Hoseok was quiet and hesitant he couldn't ask for a better hyung. Jungkook would go to school and study hard so the day would fly by and he could be back home with Hoseok.

Hoseok would be reading a scruffy looking notebook when Jungkook would come home. Everyday he'd close it and hug it close to him. Everyday Jungkook would ask him "hyung what is that?"

Hoseok would always say "it's nothing important."

On a Saturday Hoseok went out with Jungkook's mum early in the morning. When Jungkook woke up and found no Hoseok he went in the kitchen to have the breakfast his eomma prepared. Once he was done with everything Jungkook found a study book that belonged to Hoseok. Taking the book in his hands he went to Hoseok room and placed it on his desk. The young boy was about to leave the room when a familiar scruffy book caught his eye. Jungkook walked over to it and held the worn out book in his hands. Jungkook stared at the book. He knows he shouldn't open it. He knows he shouldn't read it but curiosity got the better of him. Jungkook opened it and read the first page.

" 'Don't think of anything
Don't say anything, not even a word
Just give me a smile'

I can't think, do or say anything when I'm with my parents but when I see you and you just give me a smile I can forget everything they or anyone else has ever done to me"

Jungkook could tell it was about someone he was in love with even at his age. He kept reading through his notebook, reading about his parents and about this "person."

" 'I pretend like I'm numb
This isn't my first time, it's about time I get used to it
I try to hide it but I can't'

Today was horrible...I'm sorry I couldn't come to school today... my dad did something for the first time... I don't have anyone tell, I can't even tell you so I'll write it here... my mum did his breakfast wrong...he got angry, I got the punishment. At that time he was smoking. He took a new cigarette, lit it and instead of blowing it out...he gripped my wrist tight and placed it against my skin. It burned. It burned so much. I begged for forgiveness...but I shouldn't ask for it should I? It's my punishment. Maybe that's why he beat me was my punishment for asking for forgiveness..."

Jungkook ran his fingers over the crumpled paper, even if it was old he could tell Hoseok was crying when he wrote this. He hated Hoseok's dad for what he did to him. He hated him so much.

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