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In hindsight Hoseok should've thought more before agreeing to eat with Taehyung. How did he even agree to this?

Hoseok finished the last few few pieces of shrimp on his plate when he heard Taehyung speak again "so...let's talk..." Hoseok was about to decline using the excuse 'I would but I'm eating.' Unfortunately he had to finish his meal leaving him with no choice "yeah.." Hoseok placed his chopsticks down, using the napkin he wiped at his mouth.

Hoseok stared at Taehyung and Taehyung stared back, both waiting till the other spoke "you should start. You're the one with the explaining to do."

Taehyung raised a eyebrow at that "should I start then?" Hoseok nodded "okay I'll start then..."

Taehyung took a breath in "I first want to say I am sorry, I really am... even though everything that I did to you doesn't deserve forgiveness...and I can't really make up excuses for it..." Taehyung paused but Hoseok didn't say anything except from blankly stare at him, sighing softly Taehyung continued "when I confessed to you I was being truthful... I did love you and I still do...but when my dad saw us...I panicked...I mean my dad is the last family member I had so I was scared to lose him...he did beat me that night though and I was honestly terrified of him so the next day when you came to check on me I acted cold because I honestly didn't want you anywhere near me, I didn't want my dad getting angry at me so I broke off all ties with you...I'm sorry about the break up... and what my excuse was but you weren't a test.... I genuinely did go out with you because I really liked you..." Hoseok remained silent as the day flashed across his mind, he remembered the heartbreak clearly and he remembered the abuse he got from his parents that day. It was clear in his mind. His heart physically hurt at the memory. He tried ignoring his heart and focused on Taehyung who stopped talking, when did he stop talking? Hoseok has no idea.

"You okay?" Taehyung asked with furrowed eyebrows, Hoseok only managed a nod with a soft 'yeah' before gesturing Taehyung to continue.

"Okay...well I really did but I was so scared of my dad abandoning me so I tried losing all feelings towards you. I got myself a girlfriend, I focused on her but it didn't help me lose my feelings, it only distracted me but when I saw you and the others in the bathroom...I was scared to get bullied myself...but then I thought I could get rid of my feelings by well bullying you..." Yaehyung scratched the back of his head as he lowered his gaze "I thought it'd help me get rid of the need to see you, hug you, kiss you but it didn't. I got frustrated and I took it out on you...I know what I did was wrong and I'm sorry, I really am, I regret what I did to you especially with the burns... w-were the other burns from your dad?" Taehyung lifted his head to look at Hoseok again. Hoseok hummed quietly meaning yes as he didn't want to talk. "So everything I heard was true?" Hoseok nodded as he assumed that Taehyung was talking about his parents being abusive, there was no point in hiding anything from him now is there? Hoseok continued looking at the table, he found the wood very interesting to look at, at that moment of time.

"Oh..." Taehyung whispered "I'm sorry for making your life even worse...but...why didn't you ever tell me? About the abuse and bullying?"

"Because there was no reason to. It was my punishment I deserved everything that happened back then, who was I to complain to someone?" Hoseok lifted his eyes to look at Taehyung directly in the eyes as he spoke "I'm glad I didn't though, you couldn't do anything against my dad and you could've been Daehyun and the other's target as well" Hoseok said in a monotone voice.

Taehyung stayed silent, his lips pressed together in a thin line. No one spoke until Hoseok decided to speak up first "anything else you want to say?"

Taehyung thought for a minute "I'm sorry...I really am... for everything...I-I do still love you but I was hoping we could start afresh?"

"I'm with Jungk-"

"I meant as friends" Taehyung cut him off "I know I've been selfish...and it pains me to say it too but I am jealous...that you're with Jungkook... and I know I have no right to be considering I lost my chance but it really hurts to see you two together and I guess I couldn't control myself when I first saw you two and the time where I kissed you...I'm sorry..."

"Wow...I never knew you would let down your pride for someone...I'm honoured" Hoseok smiled softly.

Taehyung hummed in response "you're special that's why" Taehyung smiled back "so...could we please at least be friends? And you never might fall for me again" Taehyung grinned "or maybe you already have but don't want to admit it?"

Hoseok rolled his eyes "okay okay sorry, but at least friends, please?" Taehyung held out his hand for a shake.

Hoseok sighed and nodded "okay, friends" Hoseok shook his hand "and Tae?"


"I forgive you."

AN: short update but I will update again probably tomorrow because I've got so much energy for writing the next chapter :)

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