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Hoseok had to squint when he opened his eyes. All he could see were white blurs "a-am I in heaven?" Hoseok's voice was hoarse.

" you're not baby" a soft voice entered Hoseok's ears "you're at a hospital...can you hear me?" Hoseok only managed a nod, he felt warmth from his hand he tried looking at it but it took his eyes a couple of minutes to focus on, on everything "how long was I out?"

"A few hours, luckily" Hoseok turned his head to look at Jungkook, who was holding his hand "how are you feeling?"

"Could be better..." Hoseok sighed softly as events that only happened a few hours ago came back to him.

"D-did you remember anything?" Jungkook asked hesitantly, Hoseok felt bad for him, he knew how hard Jungkook tried to make sure that he didn't remember anything so Hoseok lied "no just had a terrible headache."


"Promise." Hoseok crossed his fingers on the side Jungkook wasn't as he said that word.

Hoseok didn't even have time to feel bad as Jungkook gave him his bunny teeth "good, hyung made dinner, I'm going to go bring some for you okay?" Hoseok nodded with a smile of his own before Jungkook left the room.

Hoseok was resting his eyes when he heard the door open and someone entering sitting on the chair next to his bed, he was about to say Jungkook's name when the person next to him spoke "I'm sorry Hoseokie hyung..." Hoseok decided to keep his eyes shut and remained silent "I don't know what went over me...I just saw you looking as gorgeous as ever and...for some annoyed me...that after all these years I-I...I still love y-you" the voice cracked "but you've gone and forgotten me hyung!" The voice cried "I know I-It's not your fault... I k-know it isn't..."

Hoseok couldn't stay quiet any longer, he opened his eyes only to see Taehyung burying his face in his hands. The sight broke his heart yet he was still upset with what he said, he had no idea what took over him, he loves me? As if.

"If you ever loved me you wouldn't have done half the things you've done to me." Hoseok said straightforwardly as he sat himself up.

Taehyung's head shot up, he saw a black eye, must've been Jungkook.


"You would've helped me with Yonguk and his friends but you didn't you joined them. Everything you did and said after we broke wouldn't have said and done them things if you loved me Taehyung. You wouldn't."

"Hoseok let me explain-"

"What is there to explain about? You bullied me, you beat me up, heck you laughed at me when everyone else would insult me! You never ever loved me Taehyung, I was just a test for you. Now you know you're straight."

"I did love you!" Taehyung yelled "My dad beat me up when he found out we were dating that day! He said I wouldn't be his s-son anymore if I continued dating broke up with you..."

"Fair enough but that didn't mean you had to be a dick! That didn't mean you had to bully me, physically and emotionally and you definitely did not need to s-show your girlfriend around me! But you still did! Why? Because you never loved me!"

"I did Jung Hoseok" Taehyung sat on the edge of the bed and gripped the hospital dress Hoseok had on "I really did and I still do and that's why I did everything! You invaded my thoughts back then, every time i was with my girlfriend you'd pop up, I felt frustrated and I took it out on's wrong and I'm admitting to it but I loved you Jung Hoseok and i still do." Taehyung brought their faces closer "whether you love me back or not now, you will and you will be mine again."

Hoseok gulped, all the confidence he had moments ago seemed to have vanished "w-what about your dad?"

Taehyung took a minute to answer "he's dying, doctor's saying he has a months, tops."

"W-well there's something else...I'm with Jungkook. I'm his" Taehyung raised a eyebrow "But do you love him? No. You didn't remember me that's why you were so freely dating him."

"No. I started dating him because he cared for me, unlike you, he's helping me get over you..."

"And is that working?" Taehyung raised a eyebrow.

"Yes!" Hoseok lied "yes it is."

"if you say so" Taehyung grinned and stood up "but mark my words Jung Hoseok. You will be mine again."

"I won't..." Hoseok whispered out when Taehyung left "not again..."

AN: I honestly don't know if this story is getting any better or is it just getting boring? 👀

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