Epilogue [1/2]

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3 years. It's been 3 years and Hoseok and Taehyung were still together. To say Hoseok was surprised by this was a understatement. He was so happy that they've lasted this long, he prayed that they could last even longer.

Currently Hoseok was overviewing his students as they danced, when he finished college Hoseok managed to get a job as dance teacher and choreographer despite him being schizophrenic. Sometimes he'd have a episode but they weren't as bad as they used to be. Very rarely would he get a terrible episode and he had none other then Kim Taehyung to thank for that. He kept Hoseok happy, kept the voices that made the pink haired doubt himself at bay. Which reminds him he dyed his hair pink only because Taehyung begged and begged and begged.

"Hyung come on please!~" Taehyung whined "I want to see you in pinky blonde hair!"'

"But I don't want to dye my hair Taehyung." The older whined back making the younger pout and show him his puppy eyes which in result made the older sigh in defeat and accept.

And now Jung Hoseok has pink hair whilst his boyfriend has blonde.

Hoseok got to admit that blonde really suits him he looks great in blonde especially in the photoshoots. Yeah photoshoots Taehyung managed to find a good company that wanted to represent him as a actor. So not only is Hoseok living his dream, so is Taehyung.

Once it reached six he praised all his dancers because the choreography he was teaching them was a hard one but he knew his students could manage. Locking the dance studio after himself Hoseok made his way home to Taehyung and his shared apartment; both boys decided to live together so Hoseok went apartment hunting when Taehyung was still in college and luckily for the both of them he found one right before Taehyung graduated.

Their apartment was nothing special but they loved it, it wasn't too big nor too small, they had everything in their apartment, two bedrooms, one for them and one for a guest. They had a living room, kitchen bathroom and even a balcony. A TV and a rounded couch decorated the living room along with pictures of them and their friends decorated the walls. The rooms weren't full of junk but they weren't empty either. They had what they needed in the bedrooms along with some decorations to give it more of a home vibe - warm, welcoming, comforting and full of love.

Unlocking the door to their apartment Hoseok smiled slightly, Taehyung wasn't back yet; like most days Hoseok would be home first he'd cook dinner for the both of them because he knew as soon as Taehyung would enter he would whine about being hungry.

Chuckling at the thought of it Hoseok got everything out from the cupboard that he needed to make Taehyung's favourite dish. After looking at the calendar he decided to make it.

It was February the 18th, yeah it was Hoseok's birthday but he always thought of it as their anniversary instead hence why he's making Taehyung's favourite dish.

Leaving it to cook Hoseok went to the bathroom to shower and change into something cute but yet comfortable.

Once he was done Hoseok went back in the kitchen to check up on the food, dipping a spoon in the pot he was about to taste the meat to check if it was cooked through but a buzz from his phone prevented him from doing so, putting the meat filled spoon on a clean plate nearby Hoseok checked his phone.

His smile grew when he saw who the text was from.

TaeTae❤️: Hi baby~ I sent a taxi for you, it should be there by now, get in it and don't ask questions please just do it, for me? I'm doing aegyo! *o*

Raising a eyebrow at the text he sent a quick reply before tasting the meat. Seeing that it was fully cooked; Hoseok switched the hob off before getting his wallet, keys and stepping outside to indeed see a taxi.

Locking the door he got in "where are we heading?" Hoseok asked the driver who let out a soft chuckle "I can't tell you Mr.Kim Taehyung swore me to privacy." Hearing that made the pink haired male pout "but it's my birthday, so...can you tell me now? Please?~" he saw the driver shake his head as he started driving.

Deflating in the back seat in defeat Hoseok stared out the window, he didn't know when they arrived considering he ended up falling asleep, he heard a few honks and a pat on his shoulder before he woke up "mm sorry..w...where are we?" Rubbing the sleepiness out of his eyes he looked out the window to see a dimly lit trail with a few people walking past "just follow the trail Mr Jung."

"Ah okay thank you" Hoseok smiled and was about to pay but the taxi driver shook his head "this fair has already been paid by Kim Taehyung."

"O-oh okay, thanks again." Speaking shyly he got out of the car. The cool evening wind embraced his body as soon as he got out. Following the trail he saw red petals scattered in front of him. Halfway through the trail he finally realised where he was and where the trail was leading to. Picking up his pace he was soon faced with the red rose petals leading to a dock which continued onto a familiar boat. Wetting his lips he hesitantly followed the trails of rose petals.

"Happy anniversary and birthday hyung." Hoseok's eyes remained downcast on the trail of petals until he heard that voice. Looking up he saw Taehyung in a very nice suit that made the older's jaw drop.

Taehyung was standing under a beautifully lit up arch, it was the same place where Taehyung kissed him, making the two of them official again after so long.

"Come here hyung." Taehyung held a hand out for him, taking a few steps forward Hoseok grasped Taehyung's hand; letting him lead him to under the arch.

"What is all of this Tae?" Instead of answering his question Taehyung pressed a soft brief kiss on his lips.

"Hear me out okay hyung?" Taehyung said as he pulled away but kept a hold of his hand, seeing Hoseok nod Taehyung continued "hyung I've loved you ever since I confessed to you when we were younger but of course I was stupid and ended up hurting you instead...I'm still very sorry about that but I'm so grateful you gave me another chance....you have no idea how happy you make me hyung...I love you." Taehyung brought Hoseok's hand up to press a soft kiss upon it "and I know we're still young but we've gone through enough to know that I love you from deep down in my heart and I know you feel exactly the same so..."

Hoseok watched as Taehyung's got something out of his jacket pocket and next thing Hoseok knew Taehyung was on one knee "Jung Hoseok will you make me the happiest person in the whole entire universe and marry me?"

Hoseok let out a chocked gasp as tears burned the corners of his eyes unable to speak he nodded furiously.

Taehyung's boxy smile was on full show when he saw the nod, slipping the ring on his finger Taehyung left a soft kiss on it before standing back up and bringing Hoseok into his arms, the older of the two buried his face in the younger's neck as tears of utter happiness slipped down his cheeks. He couldn't believe it, Taehyung proposed to him. Taehyung proposed to him.

He was hoping that they would stay together forever but he never thought that they would due to the past but now? Now Hoseok thinks they'll last for forever and a day.

"T-thank you...I love you." His voice was muffled due to his face being buried in Taehyung's chest. He felt a soft kiss on temple before hearing a response "I love you too hyung...thank you for saying yes."

AN: 1 last part ahhh~ what do you guys think? 👀

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