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"Hyung! I can't believe it! I'm finally going to join your university!" A young boy said excitedly as he got in the car.

"I know! I'm so happy for you Kookie" Hoseok smiled and ruffled his hair before he started driving to Jungkook's new apartment. He was proud of Jungkook. He studied so hard so he could skip a year and join Hoseok's college "Have you told Jimin that you got accepted?"

"No" Jungkook shook his head "so don't tell him, I want to surprise him!" Jungkook grinned.

Hoseok nodded and leaned over to peck Jungkook's cheek at a red light "my lips are sealed" Jungkook smiled with a light blush and looked out the window.

"Hyung are you sure you don't want to move in with me instead of staying at the dorms?" Jungkook asked as they brought boxes in from Hoseok's car inside "I'm sure Kookie, I already owe your parents so much and I can't possibly share a apartment. Anyway I'm fine at the dorms" Hoseok smiled as he placed last of the boxes on the floor.

" know my parents don't think like that...they consider you like their own son!" Jungkook pouted and hugged onto him.

"I know Jungkook, I know, now help me move the couch so we can cuddle a bit before I make dinner for us" Hoseok smiled as he started to move the couch to put it where Jungkook wanted it. Jungkook sighed softly and dropped the subject as he went to help him with the couch.

"Hyung, I'm exhausted" Jungkook breathed out as he crashed on the couch making Hoseok laugh "I'll start dinner so then you can sleep straight after."

"What are you going to make?~" Jungkook called out from the couch.

"Kimchi~" Hoseok called back.

"Yummy~ don't forget to add beef!"

"Never Jungkook never" Hoseok laughed and soon came back with two big bowls of Kimchi.

Jungkook looked over at Hoseok as they ate. He cherishes his hyung so much. He loves him to no end and he still remembers the first time they met.

"Eomma! Look! Someone's fallen!" A twelve year old Jungkook rushed over to the collapsed boy who seemed older then him "excuse me mr? Mr can you hear me?" Jungkook said worriedly as he shook the boy.

"Omo we need to bring him to a hospital" Jungkook's mother said softly as she tried feeling for a pulse but the young teen flinched and tried moving away in his state "n-not the h-hospital please" the boy managed to get out before passing out.

The boy was confused when he woke up in a unfamiliar room but soon the room door opened and the young teen brought the duvet up to hide himself and pray that the younger boy thought he was sleeping but he wasn't so lucky "eomma! He's awake!" He remained under the duvet as he heard footsteps approach the bed he was on.

"Hey you don't have to hide...we won't hurt you" a soft female voice spoke. The teen slowly brought the duvet down to look at a woman and a young boy who slightly hid behind his mother "that's better, what's your name?"


"Nice to meet you Hoseok, I'm Mrs.Jeon and this is Jungkook" Mrs.Jeon smiled softly as she placed her hands on Jungkook shoulders to bring him in front of her. Hoseok nodded at what she said and at the little boy who smiled shyly "how old are you?"

"A-ah just t-turned fourteen..." Hoseok said quietly "thank you for helping me but s-sorry for being a b-burden to you..."

"You're not a burden honey, I'm just glad you're okay, when was the last time you ate?" Mrs.Jeon asked softly.

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