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It's been two weeks since that incident and ever since then Hoseok would get nightmares every time he slept. They were full of a specific man and woman and Taehyung, but not the present Taehyung a younger version. Hoseok found it weird that he could imagine a younger version of the tanned male. He can't even imagine a younger Jimin so how is that possible? Although the appearance of the younger in his dreams aren't the worst of it all, the words that came out of their mouth were like daggers, and the things that they did to him terrified him. He tried forgetting them like he did with all his other nightmares but he couldn't. It seemed like a memory.

Hoseok started to become quieter and quieter every day; Jungkook noticed. He tried getting answers but Hoseok would always change the subject.

During the two weeks Hoseok learnt that Taehyung was actually a really kind, caring, funny person even though his nightmares were showing the complete opposite.

Right now he was with Taehyung in the canteen because everyone else was busy or they had a lesson. Hoseok was trying to do his biology homework with his mind thinking about his nightmares instead.

"Hyung? You do biology?" Taehyung's voice rang out in his ears. Hoseok slowly looked up at him and nodded as his reply before looking back down "could you help me? I do biology too but I can't get my head around this homework."

"I don't-"

"Please? Hyung, pleaseeee?" Hoseok looked up only to be faced with puppy eyes. Hoseok opened his mouth to decline but a sigh escaped his lips "okay...we may as well start now."

Taehyung beamed "library then?" Hoseok nodded.

Once they were in the library Taehyung found a table for the two of them near the back. Hoseok took his phone out and placed it on the table in case Jungkook texted him.

"You better not be on your phone when you're teaching me" Taehyung pouted but his voice was stern. Hoseok slightly jumped when he heard it, it reminded him of one of his 'nightmares'. Hoseok immediately shook his head "o-of course not." Taehyung smiled at that and showed Hoseok his homework.

Hoseok was in the middle of explaining natural selection in the animal kingdom when he heard his phone vibrate. He left Taehyung to answer a question as he answered Jungkook's call "hello?" Hoseok spoke as softly and quietly as he could; he didn't want to disrupt Taehyung so he walked away to talk to Jungkook but that didn't work.

Taehyung heard the soft 'hello' and the shuffling of footsteps. He rushed his answer to look up only to see Hoseok's standing a few feet away with his back on him. Taehyung growled quietly and patiently waited. Soon enough Hoseok came back.

"S-sorry...Jungkook called me.." Hoseok said hesitantly as he sat back at the table "it's fine" Taehyung spat out more harshly then intended.

Soon enough Taehyung was finished with his homework "thanks again hyung" Hoseok nodded as he stood up. He was about to leave but he felt a grip on his wrist. It felt all too familiar to Hoseok, he reluctantly turned his head to face Taehyung "y-yes?"

Taehyung didn't know what came over him, he heard everything that Jungkook said, it was going round and round in his head but he couldn't stop himself, he acted on instinct; instead of letting go of Hoseok's wrist he pulled him closer towards him "Jung Hoseok."

Hoseok's eyes widened at the sudden action, he had to hold onto Taehyung's shoulder with his free hand to prevent himself from falling over "y-yes?" Hoseok was scared, a 'nightmare' flashed in front of him where he was in a similar position.

"God watch where your going!" A girl screeched in the corridor as she pushed Hoseok away with quite a force that he would have fallen over if his arms weren't wrapped around someone's shoulders. Hoseok looked up at the owner to be faced with a cold expression by Taehyung "like the girl said. Watch where you're fucking going. You're always getting in everyone's way" Taehyung spat out as he dropped Hoseok quite harshly. He didn't even have time to break the fall with his hands "I-I'm sorry..." Hoseok whispered and carefully got up but Taehyung 'accidentally' kicked his side when he was walking away, causing Hoseok to fall back down.

"I'm s-sorry for b-being in your w-way..." Hoseok stuttered out. Taehyung frowned and tilted his head but dismissed what he said because Hoseok's expression was so cute. He couldn't stop himself he pinned Hoseok against the nearest wall. Hoseok's eyes widened at the action, he was scared, yes. But his heart was beating so fast by their proximity "T-Taehyung...?" Hoseok whispered as Taehyung's other hand was beside his face, blocking him completely. Hoseok looked Taehyung directly in the eyes. Hoseok visibly gulped, with his free hand he tried pushing him away but Taehyung was stronger. He gripped Hoseok's other hand and pinned both his hands above his head with one hand "bad Hobi." Taehyung growled.

Taehyung was thankful he chose to study at the back of the library. There were barely any students here meaning they were alone. He knows he should stop before he does anything but he couldn't. He knows he shouldn't do anything that could make Hoseok remember him or his past but he couldn't let that be. He couldn't. He needed Hoseok to remember him. Why? He doesn't know himself but he does.

Warning: Sexual harassment, kind of..ahead so skip if you don't want to read it.

All thoughts of him being nice and deciding to rebuild their once great relationship from the bottom went out the window. He needed Hoseok to remember him. He needed him to remember him now.

"Let's see if this helps 'Hobi' remember" Taehyung leaned in, their lips were centimetres away. Hoseok's eyes were squeezed shut, his lips were quivering and next thing he knew there were soft plump lips on his. Out of instinct Hoseok kissed back but tears started to prick at the corner of his eyes. Why is he kissing back? He loves Jungkook! Stop!

As soon as he realised what he was doing Hoseok tried his hardest to get his hands free to push him away. Taehyung noticed and as a response he bit Hoseok's bottom lip causing him to gasp. Taehyung took advantage of this immediately as he started exploring Hoseok's cavern.

Hoseok struggled even more to get free as tears slipped down his face. Taehyung only bit his lower lip even harder when he did.

Once he was satisfied Taehyung pulled away slightly so their lips were still brushing "I can't believe you leave without saying anything to me!" Taehyung growled out "better yet you leave and forget me! I know you got in that stupid car accident but we had more good memories then bad! I was a lot nicer then horrible yet you forgot me and all those great memories that we had!"


"You're V."

Both Hoseok and Taehyung's eyes widened at the voice.

"J-Jungkook?" Taehyung questioned as he quickly turned around to face him, his grip disappearing from Hoseok's hands.

"You're. V. Kim Taehyung." Jungkook's voice was so calm in contrast with what his eyes held but hearing what Jungkook said and the events that happened moments ago, a wave of memories hit Hoseok hard causing him to black out.
I kept re writing this chapter, I had no idea how I would do this.

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