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Hoseok thought forgiving Taehyung would lighten some weight of his shoulders but it didn't. Of course him and Taehyung were civil which he was happy about. He told Jungkook and that didn't go really well.

"You what?!"

"I forgave him...there's no reason to hold a grudge."

"Hoseok he hurt you! He could've helped you but he didn't!"

"I know...but holding a grudge against him won't change my past and life's too short to hold grudges...please at least be civil with him?"


"Just civil, nothing more, for me please?"

"Fine...but I swear if he hurts you again I will show him no mercy" Jungkook huffed.

Eventually Hoseok managed to convince Jungkook, he was happy that the younger tried to be as civil as possible, he was even happier when Taehyung was still being nice to Jungkook. Even though things were going great with the people surrounding him, it was a completely different story in his head, especially when it came to sleeping. Like always his mind wouldn't shut down.

"TaeTae where are we going?" Hoseok asked curiously as he looked in front at the younger male "it's a surprise hyung~" Taehyung held Hoseok's hand as he lead them through a small path through the forest. There was light coming from the end of the path which increased Hoseok's curiosity "close your eyes hyung" Hoseok pouted and did as told. Taehyung guided him the rest of the way and carefully helped me sit down "you can open them!" Hoseok did, he was welcomed with Taehyung's bright boxy smile but when he looked around his jaw dropped in awe. They were in the middle of a meadow filled with a beautiful ranges of flowers. They had a gorgeous view of the ocean, the elder of the two couldn't seem to keep his mouth closed.

"Apart from the dangerous drop its gorgeous isn't it?" Taehyung smiled, Hoseok nodded "yeah...it really is beautiful..."

"Just like you" Hoseok blushed brightly as he looked down shyly. Taehyung only smiled softly and wrapped a arm around the elder's shoulders to bring him closer "this gets better, want to know how?"


"I got your favourite, crackers!" Hoseok's smile grew when he heard that "you did not!"

"I did! What else did you think was in this bag?" Taehyung laughed and momentarily removed his arms from his shoulders to get the blanket and food out "I brought other food too, so eat as much as your heart desires or should I say stomach desires." Hoseok laughed and hugged the younger's side "thank you TaeTae...I love you." Taehyung kissed the top of his head "I love you too Hobi hyung."

The boys were laying down on the blanket with full stomachs and limbs entangled with each other's, Hoseok felt happy and loved, but as always it never lasted.

"Hoseok!" the called boy immediately sat up, he knew the voice to well, it was his dad "Taehyung run!" Hoseok said as he turned around to look at Taehyung but he wasn't there. He wasn't at the meadow, he was back in his house in the living room, his dad in front of him with a bottle of alcohol and his mum close by. Hoseok was terrified "what did you say Hoseok? Did you just talk to back to me?!"

The younger boy just shook his head "n-no!"

"Did I tell you to raise your voice? Better yet did I tell you to speak?!" Hoseok furiously shook his head "I think you're forgetting your manners Hoseok, how about I teach you a lesson?"

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